Deploy MongoDB shard cluster on Windows in one click. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Deploy MongoDB shard cluster on Linux is very easy with fork option ( But if you want to do that on Windows (yes i know ...), it's a little bit more complicated. In this post, i will show you how to use batch and javascript to easily deploy MongoDB (without Windows service). MongoDB must be already installed, if you need information, read that excellent post : The first problem is to successfully launch mongo executables in "background" from a batch. The syntax is very simple (see : start /b "title" myExe arg0 arg1 ... I add /b to start an application without opening a new command prompt window. So, for example to launch the mongo shell, i just create the following command : start /b "test launching mongo shell" "C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\bin\mongo" Second step, create a sweet cluster on my computer (nodes can also be remote). Here is the structure of folders : The last step is to create the complete script to deploy MongoDB that shard cluster. What we have to do (see for more details) ? - Start our two replicatSets - Start the Config Server Database Instances - Start the mongos Instances - Add Shards to the Cluster - Enable Sharding for a Database - Enable Sharding for a Collection Here is the script : This script uses three javascript to interact with mongo shell : - configS1.js : define the members of first replicatSet - configS2.js : define the members of second replicatSet - configShard.js : configure sharding and show the status of the sharding configuration If the script work, you must see the following status : I added some pauses, especially before the last action (define sharding configuration) otherwise the sharding configure is not applied. If you find a better solution, tell me. Conclusion : You no longer have excuses for not testing MongoDB shard cluster on Windows. All script and folders are available on github :