-- principals : --
--> immutables objects final classes and final private properties use guava for immutable collections defensive copy for mutable object (date) in getter and constructor check immutability at runtime with jcabi aspect @Immutable (see junit test) doesn't allow classes to have any non-private, non-final properties in order to be called truly immutable a property with a type that is an interface, that child interface has to be annotated with @Immutable --> avoid null manual check input in constructor with guava mark object with @Nonull and check code with findbugs --> maximum quality code well commented unit tests with well named methods java methods well named qulice (mvn com.qulice:qulice-maven-plugin:check)
-- To do : --
supprimer les getter setter ? -> passer a une programmation plus objet
composition ???????????
monad / optional java 8
qulice ne le déclencher qu'avec un profil specifique
lombok ---> ne permet pas la copie defensive !!! mettre les annotations
nullobject de todo le mettre en oeuvre, l'utiliser
add annotation notnull FindBugs et @Nonull Checker Framework: nullness (@Nullable), immutability et interning http://types.cs.washington.edu/checker-framework/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4963300/which-notnull-java-annotation-should-i-use http://robaustin.wikidot.com/annotations-and-notnull http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/manual/annotations.html
javax.validation.constraints.NotNull edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull javax.annotation.Nonnull lombok.NonNull
clean maven pom
-- Doc : --
http://aspects.jcabi.com/annotation-immutable.html http://aspects.jcabi.com/example-weaving.html