
A web-based editor for visual ontology mapping
Map-On is a graphical environment for ontology mapping which helps different kinds of users to carry out ontology mapping processes by establishing relations between the elements of a database and a domain ontology.

Installation ------------- ### System configuration Make sure 'mysql' command are available on terminal. > $ mysql
If not available, add mysql path to your environment PATH variable.

Create the database

Create a database called 'mapon' and import tables from 'mapon_base_db.sql'

$ mysql --user=<database_user> --password=<database_password> mapon < mapon_base_db.sql

Note: Sql file are located in 'application/config/mapon_base_db.sql'

Framework configuration

Rename the files 'config.dist.php' and 'database.dist.php' to 'config.php' and 'database.php'

$ sudo cp application/config/config.dist.php application/config/config.php
$ sudo cp application/config/database.dist.php application/config/database.php

Modify base_url variable from 'application/config/config.php'

$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/<project_path>';

Modify database credentials from 'application/config/database.php'

$db['default']['username'] = 'database_username';
$db['default']['password'] = 'database_password';