Blockbook Mainnet Docker

This guide will help you build and run the Docker image for Blockbook (Mainnet), which is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and includes both backend and frontend components.


Building the Docker Image

Navigate to the directory where the repository is cloned or downloaded:

cd <path/to/cloned/repository>

Build the Docker image using the following command:

docker build -t <imagename> .

Running the Docker Container

Create a named volume for Persistent storage using:

docker volume create <volume_name>

Run the Docker container in detached mode and map port 9166 on your host to port 9166 on the container:

docker run -d -p 9166:9166 --mount source=<volume_name>,target=/opt/coins <imagename>

Accessing the Frontend

Once the Docker container is running, you can access the frontend of the application by navigating to:


in your web browser.

Accessing Logs

To check the logs, you can access the container shell and use the tail command.

First, get the container's name or ID:

docker ps -a

Then, access the container shell:

docker exec -it <containername> bash

Checking Backend Logs

To view the backend logs, run:

tail -f /opt/coins/data/flo/backend/debug.log

Checking Frontend Logs

To view the frontend logs, run:

tail -f /opt/coins/blockbook/flo/logs/blockbook.INFO

Additional Commands

  • Stopping the Docker Container:

    To stop the container, use:

    docker stop <containername>
  • Removing the Docker Container:

    To remove the container, use:

    docker rm <containername>
  • Removing the Docker Image:

    To remove the image, use:

    docker rmi <imagename>

Replace <path/to/cloned/repository>, <imagename>, and <containername> with the actual path, image name, and container name or ID, respectively.


  • Ensure that no other application is using port 9166 on your host machine.

  • If you encounter issues, check the Docker container logs:

    docker logs <containername>