
.NET Core basic abstractions to configuration-driven providers

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Package Current version Downloads
Proffer NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Azure NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Storage NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Storage.Azure.Blobs NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Storage.FileSystem NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Storage.FileSystem.Properties.Json NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Storage.FileSystem.Server NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Templating NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Templating.Handlebars NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Templating.Mustache NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Email NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Email.Smtp NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Email.SendGrid NuGet NuGet
Proffer.Email.InMemory NuGet NuGet

.NET Core basic abstractions to configuration-driven providers