A Simple Object Store to push/pop objects accessible by unique keys, Extremely Helpful for passing Custom Objects in between Activities/Services and other components.
Inspired from Android Docs.
In addition to acting as a general Object Store this library is great for passing custom objects in between activities, services, Fragments and other components. Here's Why:Currently for passing custom objects in between activities either we have to implement Parcellable or Serialization which not only justs adds un-necessary work to add extra code and moreover adds both performance and memory hit, which is defintely not a good way to go!
Some developers use third party libraries like greendao's EventBus, i am great fan of EventBus too but using it in this scenario is not correct for two reasons: 1- It keeps a strong reference to the object which can lead to various memory leaks 2- It exposes the Object to be picked up by any other class, resulting in a Mess.
If you just want to pass custom objects within same process than ASFObjectStore is quite flexible and handy.
**Note:** You can either create a new instance of ASFObectStore (For dependency Injection/Any other reason) or just use the global instance by using getDefault() method.Suppose we have a custom object named 'myObject' which is a field of 'ABCActivity' and we want to pass it to 'XYZActivity':
In ABCActivity
// We can push a weak reference safely here because myOject is being retained by sender activity
// We could also call the method pushStrong() to make the object retained at all costs until it
// gets popped!
String myObjectKey = ASFObjectStore.getDefault().pushWeak(myObject);
intent.putExtra(XYZActivity.EXTRA_MY_OBJECT_KEY, myObjectKey);
In XYZActivity
String myObjectKey = getIntent().getStringExtra(EXTRA_MY_OBJECT_KEY);
// Single method pop(), for both pushWeak() and pushStrong()
myObject = ASFObjectStore.getDefault().pop(myObjectKey);
If you are creating a new instance of ASFObjectStore and want to pass in objects of a specific type, then you can benefit from templating like this:
ASFObjectStore<String> myStringsStore = new ASFObjectStore();
- Download and include ASFObjectStore.java
- Use above method for now, In process of uploading it to Maven Central