
CS506 Spring 2021 Repository - Student Project Work

CS 506 - Final Project Repository

All final projects for CS506.


See Syllabus for due dates. Project deliverables can be modified with approval of PMs, the client, or the instructor.

Project Deliverable 0

Teams should have set up weekly meetings with their client for the remainder of the semester, reviewed the project scope, and submitted a pull request with the revised and final project description. Project descriptions should include data sources that your team will collect, including any additional datasets you identify that you think would enhance the project, specific questions that will be answered and the step by step approach you will take for transforming the data (cleaning) and answering strategic questions.


  • Reviewed all previous material
  • Revised scope of the project if needed
  • Identify / list limitations with data and potential risks of achieving project goal
  • Meet with client to review the project
  • Schedule weekly meetings with PMs and bi-weekly with client
  • Submit a PR with the revised project proposal including list of limitations

Project Deliverable 1

Sufficient data should have been collected to perform a preliminary analysis of the data and attempt to answer one question relevant to your project proposal which you will submit as a pull request. If data has already been collected for your project you must answer two questions.


  • Collect and pre-process a preliminary batch of data
  • Perform a preliminary analysis of the data
  • Answer one key question
  • Refine project scope and list of limitations with data and potential risks of achieving project goal
  • Submit a PR with the above report and modifications to original proposal

Project Deliverable 2

More data should have been collected to perform a more thorough analysis of the data and attempt to answer one additional question relevant to your project proposal which you will submit as a pull request.


  • Collect and pre-process a secondary batch of data
  • Refine the preliminary analysis of the data performed in PD1
  • Answer another key question
  • Refine project scope and list of limitations with data and potential risks of achieving project goal
  • Submit a PR with the above report and modifications to original proposal

Project Deliverable 3 (v1 Final Report)

All data should have been collected. All project questions should have been reviewed, answered, and submitted in a written document outlining findings as a PR. You will also be asked to submit the associated data and a README explaining what each label/feature in your dataset represents. Your team should meet with the client before this deliverable.


  • All data is collected
  • Refine the preliminary analysis of the data performed in PD1&2
  • Answer another key question
  • Attempt to answer overarching project question
  • Create a draft of your final report
  • Refine project scope and list of limitations with data and potential risks of achieving project goal
  • Submit a PR with the above report and modifications to original proposal

Project Deliverable 4 (v2 Final Report)

This is a draft of your final report that has been reviewed by your client. It includes all visualizations, results, data, and code up to this point, along with proper documentation on how to reproduce your results, compile and use your codebase, and navigate your dataset. Your team will submit this as a PR.

Final Project Deliverable

This should be an enhancement of deliverable 4.