
AMT Test Framework V 1.0

Primary LanguageJava

Automation Test Framework

This is a keyword and data driven Testing Framework with cross browsing testing facility. The plan is writing test steps with keyword and data in excel file. Every step has a action field, which is basically a class.method format, and it will be invoked with provided keyword and test data. Every excel file has a Execution-Flag field, if it is not 'yes' the corresponding excel row is not considered for execution. There is a default property file, in where browser name can be provided. There are multiple excel files and sheets for test plan, modules, test suits, test cases and test steps.

Getting Started

1.ModuleController.xlsx (Test plan) :

alt text If Execution flag is any other value except yes, the module will not be executed else executed.

2.Module( Test suite, Test case, Test step) :

module is a composite of multiple test suites. And test suites is actually a different tab in excel file. In test suite multiple test cases can be kept. alt text

alt text

Here a test case is illustrated located in test suite(tab). Here action is method name with class which need to be invoked. Test data keeps data, and object-locators has keyword reference. Format is “ExcelFileName.TabName.KeywordName.” Example : Common.Login.txtUserName. There is a keyword in common.xlsx in Login tab named txtUserName.

3. Keyword(ObjectLocators)

Keywords are kept in difference directory and sheet, There is multiple sheet, multiple tab for keyword record. It just need proper reference in test cases. alt text

3. Default.properties :

It provides the various property. At present in which browser test cases will be executed, it can be mentioned.

Application running

-> git clone https://github.com/shahriar1628/seleniumTestingFramework.git

-> mvn install (for build and running the sample application test)


1.Java 8


Running the tests

-> mvn test -Dtest=UnitTesting test ( for running unit test cases)

-> mvn test -Dtest=AppTest test ( for running sample test application.)