At Sorare, we are committed to providing an open platform for developers to build upon.
While our Cards are stored on the Ethereum blockchain (or within a Starkware rollup) we support an API that provides more detailed information.
The Sorare API is provided by GraphQL. Documentation can be found under the Docs section in the GraphQL playground.
You can easily download the GraphQL schema using [@apollo/rover](
$ npx -p @apollo/rover rover graph introspect > schema.graphql
To authenticate yourself programmatically through our GraphQL API you'll need:
- your email
- the hashed version of your password
Your password needs to be hashed client-side using a salt. The salt can be retrieved with a HTTP GET request against our<youremail>
$ curl
The hashed password must be computed with bcrypt:
Example in JavaScript:
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
const hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt);
Example in Ruby:
require "bcrypt"
hashed_password = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(password, salt)
Please also make sure to set the content-type
HTTP header to application/json
For short and long-lived authentication, you should request a JWT token.
We provide JWT tokens within the signIn
mutation. They can be retrieve using the following mutation:
mutation SignInMutation($input: signInInput!) {
signIn(input: $input) {
currentUser {
jwtToken(aud: "<YourAud>") {
errors {
It expects the following variables:
"input": {
"email": "your-email",
"password": "your-hashed-password"
is a mandatory string parameter that identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. Your can read more about "aud" (Audience) here. We recommend to use an aud
reflecting the name of your app - like myappname
- to make it easier to debug & track.
$ curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"operationName": "SignInMutation",
"variables": { "input": { "email": "<YourEmail>", "password": "<YourHashPassword>" } },
"query": "mutation SignInMutation($input: signInInput!) { signIn(input: $input) { currentUser { slug jwtToken(aud: \"<YourAud>\") { token expiredAt } } errors { message } } }"
You shall then pass the token with an Authorization
header alongside a JWT-AUD
header to all next API requests:
$ curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YourJWTToken>' \
-H 'JWT-AUD: <YourAud>' \
-d '{
"operationName": "CurrentUserQuery",
"query": "query CurrentUserQuery { currentUser { slug email } }"
The token will expire after one year.
Please refer to the errors
field to understand why a signIn
mutation failed.
If currentUser
is null
and you don't have any errors
, it's because the user has 2FA setup. Please follow the next section to handle 2FA signins.
Please note also that if the token has been issued from a specific IP address and you try to generate it from another one, 2FA will automatically activate and you will need the code sent to your email to complete authentication.
For account with 2FA enabled the signIn
mutation will set the otpSessionChallenge
field instead of the currentUser
mutation SignInMutation($input: signInInput!) {
signIn(input: $input) {
currentUser {
jwtToken(aud: "<YourAud>") {
errors {
$ curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"operationName": "SignInMutation",
"variables": { "input": { "email": "<YourEmail>", "password": "<YourHashPassword>" } },
"query": "mutation SignInMutation($input: signInInput!) { signIn(input: $input) { currentUser { slug jwtToken(aud: \"<YourAud>\") { token expiredAt } } otpSessionChallenge errors { message } } }"
In this case, you will need to make another call to the signIn
mutation and provide the otpSessionChallenge
value you received and a one-time token from your 2FA device as otpAttempt
"input": {
"otpSessionChallenge": "eca010be19a80de5c134c324af24c36f",
"otpAttempt": "788143"
$ curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"operationName": "SignInMutation",
"variables": { "input": { "otpSessionChallenge": "<YourOTPSessionChallenge>", "otpAttempt": "<YourOTPAttemp>" } },
"query": "mutation SignInMutation($input: signInInput!) { signIn(input: $input) { currentUser { slug jwtToken(aud: \"<YourAud>\") { token expiredAt } } errors { message } } }"
There is no way currently to revoke the token.
With our OAuth API, users can sign-in to your service using their Sorare account, which allows you to request data on their behalf.
In order to use our OAuth API, we will need to issue you a Client ID and Secret for your application. You can request one through our Help Center with the following information:
- A unique name for your application
- One or more callback URLs (e.g.,
for development &
for production) - A logo for your application in PNG format
Once we validate your application, you will be provided with:
- OAuth Client ID
- OAuth Secret (keep this secret!)
All OAuth applications are provided with one scope which allows access to the following:
- Basic user information, including their nickname, avatar, and wallet address
- User's cards, achievements and favorites
- User's auctions, offers and notifications
The following are not accessible:
- Email addresses
- Future lineups and rewards
- Claiming rewards
- Bidding, selling, or making offers cards
- Accepting offers or initiating withdrawals
First you need to create a "Login with Sorare" link in your app and use the following href
Once signed in to Sorare, the user will be asked to authorize your app and will ultimately be redirected to your redirect_uri
with a ?code=
query parameter, for instance<YourCode>
To request an OAuth access token you can then call the
endpoint with the following parameters:
$ curl -X POST "" \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'client_id=<YourOAuthUID>&client_secret=<YourOAuthSecret>&code=<TheRetrievedCode>&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=<TheSameCallbackURIAsBefore>'
You can then use the access_token
the same way you would use a JWT token:
curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TheUserAccessToken>' \
-d '{
"operationName": "CurrentUserQuery",
"query": "query CurrentUserQuery { currentUser { slug } }"
The GraphQL API is rate limited. We can provide an extra API Key on demand that raises those limits.
Here are the configured limits:
- Unauthenticated API calls: 20 calls per minute
- Authenticated (JWT or OAuth) API calls: 60 calls per minute
- API Key API calls: 300 calls per minute
The API key should be passed in an http APIKEY
curl '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'APIKEY: <YourPrivateAPIKey>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TheUserAccessToken>' \
-d '{
"operationName": "CurrentUserQuery",
"query": "query CurrentUserQuery { currentUser { slug } }"
Whenever you perform too many requests, the GraphQL API will answer with a 429
HTTP error code and add a Retry-After: <TimeToWaitInSeconds>
header (see RFC) to the response so your code can rely on it to understand how long it should wait before retrying.
Our GraphQL API cannot be called from the browser on another domain than the ones we support. Therefore, it's expected to get a Blocked by CORS policy [...]: The ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header has a value [...]
Please consider calling the API from your backend servers.
A common use case in GraphQL is traversing the relationship between sets of objects. There are a number of different ways that these relationships can be exposed in GraphQL, giving a varying set of capabilities to the client developer.
Read more about GraphQL pagination on their official documentation.
At Sorare, we use both plural types for connections with a limited cardinality and cursor-based pagination for the others.
A working JavaScript code sample demonstrating how to leverage the cursor
to iterate on all cards of a single user is available in examples/allCardsFromUser.js.
Every operation that involves card or ETH transfer must be signed with your Starkware private key. It can be exported from using your wallet.
Make sure to keep your Private Key secret.
To sign with your Starkware private key in JavaScript, we recommend using the JavaScript package @sorare/crypto
To list the latest auctions, you can use the following query:
query ListLast10EnglishAuctions {
transferMarket {
englishAuctions(last: 10) {
nodes {
bestBid {
bidder {
... on User {
cards {
A working JavaScript code sample is available in examples/listEnglishAuctions.js.
To make a bid on an auction, you'll need multiple prerequisites:
- the GraphQL API needs to be called authenticated (see above how to get an Authorization
) - your Starkware private key
- the
of the auction you want to bid for - the
(in wei) you want to bid
Here are the few steps required to bid:
Retrieve your
using thecurrentUser
query:query CurentUserQuery { currentUser { starkKey } }
Get the
of the auction you want to bid for:query EnglishAuctionLimitOrder($auctionSlug: String!) { englishAuction(slug: $auctionSlug) { id minNextBid } }
Get the list of
objects from thelimitOrders
field of the auction you want to bid for, with the amount you want to bid:query EnglishAuctionLimitOrder($auctionSlug: String!, $amount: String!) { englishAuction(slug: $auctionSlug) { limitOrders(amount: $amount) { vaultIdSell vaultIdBuy amountSell amountBuy tokenSell tokenBuy nonce expirationTimestamp } } }
Sign all
objects and build thebidInput
argument.const starkSignatures = => ({ data: JSON.stringify(signLimitOrder(privateKey, limitOrder)), nonce: limitOrder.nonce, expirationTimestamp: limitOrder.expirationTimestamp, starkKey, })); const bidInput = { starkSignatures, auctionId: englishAuctionId, amount: bidAmountInWei, clientMutationId: crypto.randomBytes(8).join(""), };
Note that the
is using a random ID. -
Call the
mutation:mutation Bid($input: bidInput!) { bid(input: $input) { bid { id } errors { message } } }
A working JavaScript code sample is available in examples/bidAuctionWithEth.js.
To create a Direct, Single Sale or Single Buy offer, you'll need multiple prerequisites:
- the GraphQL API needs to be called authenticated (see above how to get an Authorization
) - your Starkware private key
- the
of the card you want to send (and/or the amount of ETH you want to send) - the list of card slugs you want to receive in return (and/or the amount of ETH you want to receive)
Here are the few steps required to create an offer:
Retrieve your
using thecurrentUser
query:query CurentUserQuery { currentUser { starkKey } }
Build the
argument:const prepareOfferInput = { type: "SINGLE_SALE_OFFER", sendCardsSlugs: [aCardSlug], receiveCardsSlugs: [], sendWeiAmount: "0", receiveWeiAmount: aWeiAmountAsString, receiverSlug: null, clientMutationId: crypto.randomBytes(8).join(""), };
Get the list of
objects from thelimitOrders
field of theprepareOffer
mutation:mutation NewOfferLimitOrders($input: prepareOfferInput!) { prepareOffer(input: $input) { limitOrders { amountBuy amountSell expirationTimestamp nonce tokenBuy tokenSell vaultIdBuy vaultIdSell } errors { message } } }
Sign all
objects and build thecreateSingleSaleOfferInput
argument.const starkSignatures = => ({ data: JSON.stringify(signLimitOrder(privateKey, limitOrder)), nonce: limitOrder.nonce, expirationTimestamp: limitOrder.expirationTimestamp, starkKey, })); const createSingleSaleOfferInput = { starkSignatures, dealId: crypto.randomBytes(8).join(""), cardSlug: aCardSlug, price: aWeiAmountAsString, clientMutationId: crypto.randomBytes(8).join(""), };
Note that the
are using random IDs. -
Call the
) mutation:mutation CreateSingleSaleOffer($input: createSingleSaleOfferInput!) { createSingleSaleOffer(input: $input) { offer { id } errors { message } } }
A working JavaScript code sample is available in examples/createSingleSaleOffer.js.
To accept a Direct, Single Sale or Single Buy offer, you'll need multiple prerequisites:
- the GraphQL API needs to be called authenticated (see above how to get an Authorization
) - your Starkware private key
- the
of the offer you want to accept
Here are the few steps required to create an offer:
Retrieve your
using thecurrentUser
query:query CurentUserQuery { currentUser { starkKey } }
Get the
of the Offer:query GetOffer($id: String!) { transferMarket { offer(id: $id) { blockchainId } } }
Build the
argument:const prepareAcceptOfferInput = { dealId: blockchainId, };
Get the list of
objects from thelimitOrders
field of theprepareAcceptOffer
mutation:mutation PrepareAcceptOffer($input: prepareAcceptOfferInput!) { prepareAcceptOffer(input: $input) { limitOrders { amountBuy amountSell expirationTimestamp id nonce tokenBuy tokenSell vaultIdBuy vaultIdSell } errors { message } } }
Sign all
objects and build theacceptOfferInput
argument.const starkSignatures = => ({ data: JSON.stringify(signLimitOrder(privateKey, limitOrder)), nonce: limitOrder.nonce, expirationTimestamp: limitOrder.expirationTimestamp, starkKey, })); const acceptOfferInput = { starkSignatures, blockchainId: offer["blockchainId"], clientMutationId: crypto.randomBytes(8).join(""), };
Note that the
is using a random ID. -
Call the
mutation:mutation AcceptSingleSaleOffer($input: acceptOfferInput!) { acceptOffer(input: $input) { offer { id } errors { message } } }
A working JavaScript code sample is available in examples/acceptSingleSaleOffer.js.
The Sorare API provides different GraphQL events to subscribe to:
: triggers every time a card is updated. This can be filtered using the following arguments:ages
: triggers every time a (bundled) english auction is updatedcurrentUserWasUpdated
: scoped to the current user, triggers every time the current user is updated (only works when authenticated)gameWasUpdated
: triggers every time a game is updatedofferWasUpdated
: scoped to the received and the sender of the offer, triggers every time an offer is updated (only works when authenticated with the sender or the receiver)publicMarketWasUpdated
: triggers every time a card is updated on a public market (auction and single sale offers): on a bid, when an auction ends, when a single sale offer is accepted.
The websocket URL to use is wss://
Sorare's GraphQL subscriptions are implemented through websockets with the actioncable-v1-json
sub-protocol. Sorare relies on ActionCable because the website has been scaled on a Ruby on Rails stack.
In order to ease the websocket + actioncable-v1-json
sub-protocoal usage outside of a Ruby on Rails environment, you can use the TypeScript/JavaScript package @sorare/actioncable
$ yarn add @sorare/actioncable
const { ActionCable } = require("@sorare/actioncable");
const cable = new ActionCable({
headers: {
// 'Authorization': `Bearer <YourJWTorOAuthToken>`,
// 'APIKEY': '<YourOptionalAPIKey>'
cable.subscribe("aCardWasUpdated { slug }", {
connected() {
disconnected(error) {
console.log("disconnected", error);
rejected(error) {
console.log("rejected", error);
received(data) {
const aCardWasUpdated = data?.result?.data?.aCardWasUpdated;
if (!aCardWasUpdated) {
const { id } = aCardWasUpdated;
console.log("a card was updated", id);
A working JavaScript code sample is available in examples/subscribeAllCardUpdates.js.
$ pip3 install websocket-client
import websocket
import json
import time
w_socket = 'wss://'
identifier = json.dumps({"channel": "GraphqlChannel"})
subscription_query = {
"query": "subscription onAnyCardUpdated { aCardWasUpdated { slug } }",
"variables": {},
"operationName": "onAnyCardUpdated",
"action": "execute"
def on_open(ws):
subscribe_command = {"command": "subscribe", "identifier": identifier}
message_command = {
"command": "message",
"identifier": identifier,
"data": json.dumps(subscription_query)
def on_message(ws, data):
message = json.loads(data)
type = message.get('type')
if type == 'welcome':
elif type == 'ping':
elif message.get('message') is not None:
def on_error(ws, error):
print('Error:', error)
def on_close(ws, close_status_code, close_message):
print('WebSocket Closed:', close_message, close_status_code)
def long_connection():
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(
if __name__ == '__main__':
A working Python3 code sample is available in examples/