
php minimal blank application with Tonic, Pimple, Smarty, Monolog


php minimal blank application with Tonic, Pimple, Smarty, Monolog, Mongodb


Monolog is a logging framework. Monolog implements Psr interfaces.


Pimple is a minimal Dependency Injection framework-


Smarty is a template engine.

Smarty templates will be placed in folder /views


Tonic is a small annotation-based MVC framework.

Tonic controllers will be placed in folder /src

Apache mount point

The app will be mounted on the folder /web which includes only a dispatcher to Tonic controllers and a .htaccess to rewrite urls. This folder will include also static resources as javascripts, css, images.


The app exposes two resources, /hello which is an html page generated with smarty and /services/hello which is a simple REST authenticated web service