
A lightweight PCL framework that helps you develop MVVM Xamarin.Forms applications easily.

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Pillar is a standalone MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms. With this framework, you won't have to deal with page navigation or messed up code-behind anymore. Now, it's all about view models, and navigation between view models. It uses a embedded custom version of the ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection for dependency injection. You can easily use your own IoC container by implementing an adapter class.


  • ViewModel navigation, you won't need to manipulate pages in your view models
  • Design your apps with unit testing in mind with dependency injection
  • Use the built-in IoC container or override it with the IoC container of your choice
  • Flexible, you can use differents patterns: ViewModel first, Messaging, etc.
  • EventToCommand behavior and useful converters included
  • Useful views: ItemsView repeater, with optional DataTemplate selector by item type
  • Not intrusive, you can reuse your view models in other projects (WPF for example) with very few modifications

Get started

Install the nuget package:

Install-Package Askaiser.Mobile.Pillar

Extend the PillarBootstrapper class to configure your view models and views. Then, in your Application class, instantiate it and call the Run method.

Starting from Pillar 1.0.0, a sample class that extends PillarBootstrapper will be added to your project after the package installation.

Here is an example:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Pillar;

public class YourAppBootstrapper : PillarBootstrapper
    // 1. PillarBootstrapper need to keep a reference of the Application
    public YourAppBootstrapper(Application app)
        : base(app)
    { }

    // 2. Register your dependencies through the built-in container
    // You can learn how to use the IoC container of your choice further in this documentation
    protected override void RegisterDependencies(IContainerAdapter container)

    // 3. Bind your view models to your views with Pillar's view factory.
    protected override void BindViewModelsToViews(IViewFactory viewFactory)
        viewFactory.Register<HomeViewModel, HomePage>();

    // 4. Return the first page of your application by resolving it from the view factory.
    // Your app is now ready to start!
    protected override Page GetFirstPage(IViewFactory viewFactory)
        return viewFactory.Resolve<HomeViewModel>();

public class App : Application
    public App()

        new YourAppBootstrapper(this).Run();

The view models that will be associated to pages need to extend the PillarViewModelBase, or you will get a compilation error. It is a child class of the ViewModelBase class. This class provides useful observable properties for mobile applications:

  • Title (string): You can bound it to the associated page Title
  • NoHistory (boolean): If true, it will remove the previous page from the navigation stack
  • IsBusy (boolean): Can be used to show or hide a loading spinner using the included BooleanConverter with the Visibility property


With Pillar, view models and pages are fully decoupled. To navigate between view models, you need to inject the INavigator Pillar service into your view models (do not confuse INavigator with INavigation from Xamarin.Forms). This service provides the following methods:

// Navigate to a view model
await _navigator.PushAsync<HomeViewModel>();
await _navigator.PushModalAsync<HomeViewModel>();

// Navigate to a specific view model instance
var home = new HomeViewModel();
await _navigator.PushAsync(home);
await _navigator.PushModalAsync(home);

// Navigate to a view model and apply changes on it
await _navigator.PushAsync<HomeViewModel>(vm => { vm.Title = "Home page"; });
await _navigator.PushModalAsync<HomeViewModel>(vm => { vm.Title = "Home page"; });

// Navigate back
await _navigator.PopAsync();
await _navigator.PopModalAsync();
await _navigator.PopToRootAsync();

You may notice that some of these methods can take an action as parameter. This is the preferred way to pass data from one view model to another. All of these methods - except PopToRootAsync - return the resolved instance of the destination view model type.

How to use it:

public class FirstViewModel : PillarViewModelBase
    private readonly INavigator _navigator;

    public FirstViewModel(INavigator navigator)
        _navigator = navigator;

        // Go to the second view after 5 seconds

    public async void GoToSecondViewModel()
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        await _navigator.PushAsync<SecondViewModel>();


Pillars provides a behavior that allows you to bind any view event to a command. This is an example that bind the ItemTapped event of a ListView to a command:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" xmlns:p="clr-namespace:Pillar;assembly=Pillar" x:Class="HelloEventToCommand.Views.HomePage">
      <p:ItemTappedEventArgsConverter x:Key="ItemTappedConverter" />

  <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding People}">
      <p:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="ItemTapped" Command="{Binding SayHelloCommand}" EventArgsConverter="{StaticResource ItemTappedConverter}" />
        <TextCell Text="{Binding Name}"/>

In this example, we use a converter to extract the tapped item's BindingContext and pass it to our command. You can see the full example here, on my blog.


The EventToCommandBehavior class has the following properties:

  • EventName (string): Name of the event to bind.
  • Command (ICommand): Command that will be fired when the event will be raised
  • CommandParameter (object): Optional parameter to pass to the command
  • EventArgsConverter (IValueConverter): Optional converter that will convert an EventArgs to something that will be passed as command parameter. Overrides any user defined command parameter with the CommandParameter property.
  • EventArgsConverterParameter (object): Optional parameter that will be passed to the EventArgsConverter.

Using your preferred IoC container

Pillar allows you to override the built-in IoC container (which is a custom version of the IoC container present in ASP.NET Core), with the IoC container of your choice.

All you need to do is implement a single interface, IContainerAdapter, and instantiate it in the app's bootstrapper (derived class of PillarBootstrapper):

// In this exemple, I will use Autofac as the IoC container of my application
public class AutofacContainerAdapter : IContainerAdapter
    private readonly ContainerBuilder _containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
    private readonly Lazy<IContainer> _lazyContainer;

    public AutofacContainerAdapter()
        _lazyContainer = new Lazy<IContainer>(() => _containerBuilder.Build());

    public object Resolve(Type serviceType)
        return _lazyContainer.Value.Resolve(serviceType);

    public void RegisterType(Type serviceType, Type implementationType)

    public void RegisterType(Type serviceType, Func<object> implementationFactory)
        _containerBuilder.Register(ctx => implementationFactory()).As(serviceType);

    public void RegisterSingleton(Type serviceType, Type implementationType)

    public void RegisterSingleton(Type serviceType, object implementationInstance)

    public void RegisterSingleton(Type serviceType, Func<object> implementationFactory)
        _containerBuilder.Register(ctx => implementationFactory()).As(serviceType).SingleInstance();

// And then I instantiate it in my bootstrapper:
protected override IContainerAdapter GetContainer()
    return new AutofacContainerAdapter();

ItemsView with TemplateSelector by type

The ItemsView is a way for displaying a list of items. When used with the TemplateSelector, you can define a template for each different type of items contained in the items source. Quick example:

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
             x:Class="HelloXam.Views.FirstView" Title="First">
      <v:TemplateSelector x:Key="TemplateSelector">
        <v:DataTemplateWrapper x:TypeArguments="vm:Foo" IsDefault="True">
            <Label Text="Template for type Foo"   />
        <v:DataTemplateWrapper x:TypeArguments="vm:Bar">
            <Label Text="Template for type Bar" />
        <v:DataTemplateWrapper x:TypeArguments="vm:Qux">
            <Label Text="Template for type Qux" />

    <v:ItemsView ItemsSource="{Binding Things}" TemplateSelector="{StaticResource TemplateSelector}" Orientation="Vertical" />

The items source is:

Things = new ObservableCollection<Thing>
    new Bar(),
    new Foo(),
    new Qux(),
    new Qux(),
    new Foo()

The result:

The ItemsView class provides an Orientation property, just like the StackLayout class. If a template is not defined for a specific type, the TemplateSelector will look for the first template with the IsDefault property set to true.

Other services

Pillar exposes some services that can be injected in your dependencies controllers:

  • IContainerAdapter: The IoC container itself. Can be use only to retrieve dependencies. Registering dependencies must be done in the application boostrapper.
  • IMessenger: An abstraction of the default Xamarin Forms MessagingCenter. You will be able to mock it in your unit tests.
  • IDialogProvider: A service that allows you to display alerts, confirmation message boxes and action sheets. See the demo app for usage.

The rest of the documentation will be available soon. Checkout the demo app to see examples of each features of Pillar.

Thank you for your interest in this framework.

I would like to thanks Jonathan Yates (https://web.archive.org/web/20161015115825/https://adventuresinxamarinforms.com/) for his tutorials. It has been a great source of inspiration and he is doing a very good job.