
:paperclip: Yii2-attachments is a module and set of functionality to add attachments to a model in a generic way

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Yii2-attachments is a module and set of functionality to add attachments to a model in a generic way


Basic installation

The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ composer require asinfotrack/yii2-attachments

or add

"asinfotrack/yii2-attachments": "~0.8.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


After downloading you need to apply the migration creating the required tables:

yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/asinfotrack/yii2-attachments/migrations

To remove the table just do the same migration downwards.

Add the module to the yii-config

        //your other modules...
            'userRelationCallback'=>function ($model, $attribute) {
                return $model->hasOne('app\models\User', ['id'=>$attribute]);
                    ['allow'=>true, 'roles'=>['@']],

For a full list of options, see the attributes of the classes within the module. Especially check the classes asinfotrack\yii2\attachments\Module. Some examples are provided below.


  • fixed ordering bug
  • dependency update (potential breaking change!)
  • added parameter to download action
  • added attachment ordering
  • added param to imagePreparationCallback
  • Breaking change:
    • avatarMode is removed in asinfotrack\yii2\attachments\widgets\AttachmentUpload
  • new mode in asinfotrack\yii2\attachments\widgets\AttachmentUpload
  • redirect to referrer after updating an attachment
  • use new Icon function from toolbox
  • dependency update
  • main classes in a stable condition
  • further features will be added in a backwards-compatible way from here on
  • all breaking changes will lead to a new minor version.