
Solution of coding assessment by Capital One

Primary LanguagePython


Solution of coding assessment by Capital One

Usage: python3 parse_file filename.ts OR python3 parse_file filename.py


Any other file will throw assertion error

I have prepared the following solution in: Python using BNF grammar parsing

The Backus Naur Form (BNF) for TypeScript was obtained here https://github.com/frenchy64/typescript-parser/blob/master/typescript.ebnf

Only the following snippet is however, necessary for our purposes. It has been edited to enable TODO recognition

<TODO> :: #"TODO:"
<TODOComment> :: TODO CommentContent
<CommentContent> :: TODOComment | #"." CommentContent |""
<LineBreak> :: #"(\n\r|\r\n)|[\n\r]"
<SingleLineComment> ::= '//' CommentContent (LineBreak|"")
<MultiLineComment> ::= '/*' InsideMultiLineComment* ('*/'|"")
<InsideMultiLineComment> ::= !( '*/' | '/*' ) (TODO |(#"." | LineBreak)) | MultiLineComment
<Whitespace> ::= <(#" +" | SingleLineComment | MultiLineComment | LineBreak)>

<ws-opt> ::= Whitespace*

Finally, we describe our custom EBNF line (since we don't need all other variable parsing):

<code> ::= <ws-opt> #(.*) <code> | ""

is enough to parse the whole program

Note the following: [^abc] (everything except a,b,c) . anythin except newline # represents any text \s+ represents whitespace

For python style code, the implementation needs to be changed a bit ::= '#[ ]. " CommentContent (LineBreak|"") ::= SingleLineCommentPython SingleLineCommentPython+ ::= <(MultiLineCommentPython| SingleLineCommentPython| LineBreak)>

Please note the following edge cases and assumptions:

Case 1




are both considered 3 comment lines

Case 2

/* /* */ */

are considered TWO block line comments and TWO comment lines

Case 3

// .. // ... 

(on the same line) are considered ONE single line comment and ONE comment line

Case 4

\r\n is considered ONE line break. so is \r by itself, so is \n by itself

However \r\n\r\n would be two line breaks. So would be \r\n\r, \r\n\n and \n\n\r

Note that \r\r\r and \n\n\n are three line breaks each

#Case 5

TODO:TODO: are considered two TODOs.

#Case 6





are both 3 lines of block comments

#Case 7

a=10&#35;THIS IS AN INT
&#35; THIS IS B

The above is one code block (not two individual line comments)