
This application is a small store that lists descriptions, specs, and reviews for different products (gems). You can add reviews under the review tab, and watch a live preview of it. This application utilizes Rails and Angular and is an application based off of the 'Shaping Up With Angular' course found on Code School.

Production app can be found here


The first step in translating the Code School course into a Rails application was getting Angular required.

CodeSchool approach

  • Download angular.min.js
  • Install in assets/javascripts
  • Require in <head>

Rails Approach

  • Installing/configuring bower
    • $ npm install -g bower
    • create .bowercc
    • application.rb: - config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('vendor', 'assets', 'components')
  • installing Angular:
    • $ bower install angular
  • Require in application.js
    • //= require angular

The next step involved getting bootstrap loaded in:

CodeSchool approach

  • Download bootrap.css
  • Install in assets/stylesheets
  • Require in <head>

Rails Approach

  • installing Angular:
    • $ bower install bootstrap
  • Require in application.css
    • //= require bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap

After getting the dependencies installed, then the next step was to modify application.js:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require angular
//= require gemstore

Then create a gemstore.js in assets/javascripts and copy over the previous gemstore. The top of gemstore.js now:

//= require_self
//= require_tree ./gemstore_app

After this, createing a gemstore_app directory in app/javascripts/ and placing in all of the oustanding files into respective directories. Ie: store-directives gets placed into the directives directory, and the StoreContoller.js getting placed into a controllers directory.

The next step was to move all of the templates & images into the public folder, and reflect the change inside the store_controller.js.

The file step involved copying over the index.html <body> into the show.html.