This library contains a number of sorting algorithms
Double linked list
Thanks to @philwilt for the approach using the hash on deduplication The double linked list contains a list with nodes that are linked to the previous and next node. Perform the following methods on this list:
: adds a node to the head of the listdelete(node)
: deletes the node from the listsearch(value)
: searches each node in the list by the given value. Returns an array of the nodes whose value matches the argumentdeduplicate()
: removes all duplicate values from the listdeduplicate_vanilla()
: removes all duplicate values from the list without using an external data structure
Binary Tree
The binary tree is a data structure containing nodes, which have two children, and one parent node. Each node also contains a value. The spec for the binary tree contains testing three methods of depth-first traversal:
- pre_order
- in_order
- post_order
Hash table
The hash table data structure is used to store key value pairs. This is essentially how it works:
- Create an array of fixed size [0..n]
- Given a key, compute an index from a hash of that key
- In this library, the hash computes the sum of ordinal values of all characters in the string
- Insert the key => value pair into the computed index
This hash table library handles collisions by forming linked lists, and searching for the key, at each slot in the hash table. Reassignment is handled by the newest node being inserted at the head.
The Queue data structure contains a set of nodes. This data structure has three methods:
: inserts a node into the set of the structure. Returns the value of the node.dequeue
: removes a node from structure in FIFO order. Returns the value of the removed node. Raises an EmptyQueueError if the Queue is nil.size
: reports the number of nodes in the queue.
The Queue data structure keep track of the first and last node using the :head
and :tail
Example Usage
Create the queue
q =
n1 ='Andrew') # create a node
n2 ='Ben')
n3 ='Chris')
q.enqueue(n1) # => insert a node
q.head # => returns n1
q.tail # => returns n3
q.dequeue # => returns n1
q.dequeue # => returns n2
q.dequeue # => returns n2
q.dequeue # => Raises EmptyQueueError
The stack data structure takes a linked list approach. The stack.rb file contains two levels: Stack & Frame. A stack knows only about the top most frame (the last frame pushed in). The stack object can pop off only the last frame
Linked List
The linked list file contains two classes: List & Node. These two classes are structure to build a singly linked list.
Example usage
list = # => <ListObject>
list.insert('Andrew')) # => points the list head to the Andrew node
list.insert('Bob')) # => points list head to the Bob node'Bob') # => Starts at the list head and searches node until a node with data == 'Bob' is found
list.remove('Bob') # => Traverses list from head until the node with data == 'Bob' is found then removes it and updates connections
list.to_s # => Prints a newline for each nodes data value
Radix Sort
First get amount of digits in the biggest number. Iterate that many times through the array. Iterate up through the digit places and place into respective bucket. Reassign the array each time to the flattened bucket. Last pass will produce a sorted array
Quick Sort
This sort method picks a pivotal value out of the array. All values left of the pivot must be less than the pivot, while all values right of the pivot must be greater than the pivot. Recursively apply that logic to either side and you have the quick sort algorithm
Insertion Sort
This sort method can be found here ( Example usage:
array = (5, 4, 1, 6).to_a.shuffle
puts Sort.insertion(array) # => (1, 4, 5, 6)
This algorithm iterates an array left to right starting at the second index. It breaks to the next loop if the value at the current index is greater than the value at the previous index. Otherwise, starting at the current index, iterates back down to the left and swaps each value if the proceeding value is greater than the current value.
Sources: Sunny Mittal (@sunny-mittal) Thanks for the beginning break. You bring us down a whole octave! In a good way
Merge Sort
This code taken from here Example usage:
array = (5, 4, 1, 6).to_a.shuffle
puts Sort.merge_sort(array) # => (1, 4, 5, 6)
How it works: The merge_sort class level method returns itself if the array that was passed has a length <= 1. Why is that? Because there's nothing to merge. Moving on, if there is more than 1 element, the algorithm continues. It first gets the middle number of the array
mid = array.size / 2 # => integer
Then, it gets the left half of the array using the array[0, n] notation:
left = array[0, mid]
And it gets the right half the array:
right = array[mid, array.size-mid]
Then it merges either half. But first it calls merge sort on either half. Which means each half gets split again until finally there are n
number of arrays.
Then using the merge method each left and right array gets merged.
merge(merge_sort(left), merge_sort(right))
This creates an empty array to put the sorted numbers into. Then until either half is empty, it puts the numbers in order into the sorted array and shifts the array by one.
def self.merge(left, right)
sorted = []
until left.empty? or right.empty?
if left.first <= right.first
sorted << left.shift
sorted << right.shift