
An unusual DNS server written in Rust, that sends DNS requests to a config file written in JS.

Primary LanguageRust


baDNS is a DNS server written in Rust, leveraging the rustdns library for core functionality. It uses QuickJS to evaluate configuration files, allowing for dynamic and programmable DNS handling. When a DNS request is received, baDNS first routes the request to the JavaScript context defined by the configuration. If a response is generated within the JS context, it is returned. Otherwise, baDNS queries the configured upstream servers sequentially and caches the response for the specified TTL.


  • Programmable DNS Handling: Define custom DNS logic using JavaScript.
  • Flexible Configuration: Use JavaScript to define how DNS requests are processed.
  • Upstream Server Support: Automatically query upstream servers if the JS context does not provide a response.
  • Response Caching: Cache upstream responses based on their TTL.
  • HTTP Reverse Proxy: Set up HTTP reverse proxy for domains.


To install baDNS, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Rust installed. If not, download it from rust-lang.org.
  2. Clone the baDNS repository:
    git clone https://github.com/asivery/badns.git
    cd badns
  3. Build the project using Cargo:
    cargo build --release
  4. The binary will be located in target/release/badns.


To run baDNS, execute the following command:

./badns <config-file>

Replace <config-file> with the path to your JavaScript configuration file.


The configuration file is a JavaScript file evaluated by QuickJS. Below is a summary of the available functions and their purposes:

Main Initialization

The main baDNS initialization file is executed before the configuration file. It prepares the environment and exposes user-friendly methods for DNS handling.


Network Setup

  • bindAddress(address: string, port = 53): Binds the UDP address and starts listening. Multiple interfaces can be open simultaneously.
  • upstream(address: string, port = 53): Adds an upstream server. Queries upstream servers sequentially if no JS context response is found.

HTTP Reverse Proxy

  • setupHTTPRedirectServer(address: string, port: number, recordTarget: string): Sets up the HTTP reverse proxy server - it needs to know its own IP address, so that it redirects correctly.
  • addHTTPRedirect(target: string, name: string): Adds a reverse proxy entry to bind the domain name to the HTTP address target.

DNS Bindings

  • addBinding(rrtype: RRConstant, name: string, handler: Handler): Adds a binding for a specific rrtype and name.
  • addABinding(name: string, handler: Handler): Adds an RR_A binding.
  • addAAAABinding(name: string, handler: Handler): Adds an RR_AAAA binding.
  • addCNAMEBinding(name: string, handler: Handler): Adds an RR_CNAME binding.
  • addUniversalBinding(handler: Handler): Adds a universal binding triggered on every query unless overridden by specific bindings.

Helper Functions

  • STUB(): Returns an RR_A response with an infinite TTL pointing to
  • permanentBinding(ip: string, domain: string): Adds a permanent RR_A binding.
  • ban(domain: string): Bans a domain using a STUB() handler.
  • exec(filename: string): Evaluates the contents of the provided file.

baDNS Extensions

  • sha256(data: string): Generates a SHA256 digest of the provided data.
  • readFile(filename: string): Reads and returns the contents of the specified file as UTF-8.

Example Configuration

Below is an example configuration file demonstrating basic usage:

// Bind to port 53 on all interfaces

// Set up an upstream DNS server

// Add a permanent A record binding
permanentBinding('', 'example.com');

// Ban a specific domain

// Set up the HTTP reverse proxy server on port 80, with the server returning its own address as
setupHTTPRedirectServer('', 80, '');

// Add a reverse proxy entry to bind the domain 'web.example.com' to HTTP address 'http://localhost:3000'
addHTTPRedirect('', 'internal.site');

// Universal binding for all queries
addUniversalBinding((name, rrtype, rrclass, peerAddress, ownAddress) => {
    console.log(`Query received: ${name}, type: ${rrtype}`);
    return { special: true, specialType: 'queryUpstream' };

Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback regarding baDNS. Happy DNS serving!