Points to Note

Thank you so much for going through the course with me at CodeLagos.

As with anything and any knowledge, this is not the end, this is just the beginning and it is now up to you to push forward and improve yourself.

I have arranged all the class resources and put them into this repository

On Project

For your project, I have created some smart contracts in the Project folder of this repository. You can go in there and pick one to work with. You should also check the folder equivalent migration file you need.

Once done, you push your project to github and submit with this link

On Git and Github

As we want to begin to teach you the best practices from here, I have decided that submissions of projects happen via github.

I have attached a simple slide show in the repo that explains what Git and Github is and how to get started.

Create an account on github.com

Download and configure the git bash, https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git

Create a repo (shown in slide)

Clone the repo to your laptop - git clone URL (where URL is the link in the green part of the repo - as in slide 20) from git bash

Move your files to inside the folder that was cloned

Do - git add . from the folder in git bash.

Do - git commit -m "Commit desription"

Do - git push origin master

Submit via this form I will add to this later.


All questions should be sent as an issue to this repository. I would do my best to follwo through

Final Note

I will regularly be updating this document so stay tuned guys. You can reach me with geek@geektutor.co. Cheers.