
Recipe web app developed using React/Redux frontend and Django Rest framework as backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Recipe web app developed using React/Redux for frontend, and Django rest framework for backend api.


  • Python 3.10
  • virtualenv
  • Node ^v16.16.0

Install project dependencies

create virtualenv

virtualenv recipe
source recipe/bin/activate
pip install -r awesome_recipes/requirements.txt

Install node modules

cd awesome_recipes
npm install 


I have used SQLite database which is included in the root. If you want to use a different database then update the settings.py and execute the following command to create tables.

python manage.py migrate

Running locally

cd awesome_recipes
python manage.py runserver

If everything goes smooth the site will be up at

Django Unit testing

python manage.py test

Frontend testing

yarn test

Local frontend development

The app uses compiled 'app/index.js' file. If you want to make any React code change you need to run the below command to see the changes in the app.

npm install --global yarn
yarn serve

yarn serve command will build the React code. Files are watched, and it will recompile automatically after any code change.

API Endpoints used by frontend

[GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/categories/
[GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/recipes/
[GET] /api/recipe_categories/
[GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/ingredients/
[GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/instructions/


screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3 screenshot4