
Talks given by and to the community

The UnlicenseUnlicense

Ask a Dev Talks

Adding a New Talk

  • File your talk YYYY-MM-DD-__TITLE__/README.md, with the date as the original date it was given.
  • AVOID THIS: Include any talk-specific assets in the folder. Link everything you can to Giphy or Imgur
  • If you've given a talk and make a new edit, note the date of the previous talk at the top with a link to that commit. For example:
### Versions
* [2018 March 09](743fe1d)
  • Every talk is licensed under the terms of the Unlicense (i.e. the public domain).
  • Slide notes (shown on the GitHub README but not when the Markdown is compiled) are noted like so:
$-- Read me here, not there