
Basic parameters for ASKAP surveys to aid coordination

Primary LanguagePython


Basic parameters for ASKAP surveys to aid coordination.

Examples See Examples for further examples


Free to use/modify. If you wish to use, please credit David Kaplan and Andrew O'Brien (UW-Milwaukee)

Requirements (beyond standard)

These are included in requirements.txt


We strongly recommend using a virtual environment, e.g. conda. This package depends on healpy which requires the HEALPix C++ libraries. pip will try to compile these for your machine, but there are reports of this failing for many users. It is safer to use the binary installations from conda-forge.

Within a conda environment, clone this repository, install the requirements, then install this package:

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install .

Survey information sources

Format for each ASKAP survey tile description (largely taken from confluence pages like https://confluence.csiro.au/display/askapsst/EMU):

EMU_2059-51, 21:00:00.000, -51:07:06.39, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2034-60, 20:34:17.142, -60:19:18.17, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2042-55, 20:42:00.000, -55:43:29.41, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2115-60, 21:15:25.714, -60:19:18.17, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2132-51, 21:32:43.636, -51:07:06.39, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2027-51, 20:27:16.363, -51:07:06.39, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2118-55, 21:18:00.000, -55:43:29.41, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2154-55, 21:54:00.000, -55:43:29.41, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2156-60, 21:56:34.285, -60:19:18.17, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No
EMU_2205-51, 22:05:27.272, -51:07:06.39, closepack36, 0.9, 45.0, 943.491, No

Each survey (DINGO, EMU, FLASH, GASKAP, POSSUM, VAST, WALLABY) has a CSV file as well as a MOC. The latter can be loaded into aladin as well.


The following scripts will be installed into your path:

  • askap_field_to_moc: convert an ASKAP survey CSV file to a MOC and a ds9 regions file. NOTE: this is preliminary and doesn't correctly use frequency/footprint/pitch information. Usage:
askap_field_to_moc --moc=VAST.MOC.fits --reg=VAST.reg VAST.csv
  • sky_coverage_plot: take all of the provided surveys and overplot them on the GSM sky image. This script is currently supplied largely as a working example . You may write your own plotting script that follows this example (the source is in askap_surveys/scripts/sky_coverage_plot.py) and adjust various parameters (number of surveys shown, colors, ...). Basic CLI:
sky_coverage_plot -h
usage: sky_coverage_plot [-h] [-o OUT] [--askaponly]
                         [-p {Albers,LambertConformal,Equidistant,Hammer,Mollweide,EckertIV,WagnerI,WagnerIV,WagnerVII,McBrydeThomasFPQ,HyperElliptical,Tobler,EqualEarth}]
                         [-m [MAP_OPTIONS [MAP_OPTIONS ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     Output name for plot (default: test.pdf)
  --askaponly           Only include the ASKAP surveys (default: False)
  -p {Albers,LambertConformal,Equidistant,Hammer,Mollweide,EckertIV,WagnerI,WagnerIV,WagnerVII,McBrydeThomasFPQ,HyperElliptical,Tobler,EqualEarth}, --projection {Albers,LambertConformal,Equidistant,Hammer,Mollweide,EckertIV,WagnerI,WagnerIV,WagnerVII,McBrydeThomasFPQ,HyperElliptical,Tobler,EqualEarth}
                        Projection type (default: Mollweide)
  -m [MAP_OPTIONS [MAP_OPTIONS ...]], --map_options [MAP_OPTIONS [MAP_OPTIONS ...]]
                        Additional map projection arguments as key=value pairs
                        (e.g., 'lon_0=180', ...). See https://github.com/pmelc
                        (default: None)

Users can change the output filename (and type), whether only ASKAP surveys are plotted (default = ASKAP + others), the map projection (default = Mollweide), and certain map projection parameters.

  • create_vast_mocs: traverse the VAST data release directory structure and make a MOC of each image. Warning: the method mocpy uses to create a MOC from a FITS image is to calculate the world coordinate for every non-NaN/non-blank pixel which can take a few minutes per image and also consumes considerable memory. Run with --help for more information.

Included surveys

MOC FITS files are provided for the following surveys. To access them for your own needs, simply import this package and access the MOC register which maps the survey names to the path to the MOC file. For example, to access the VAST MOC:

import askap_surveys
vast_moc_path = askap_surveys.moc_register["VAST"]

To see a list of registered MOC files, inspect the contents of askap_surveys.moc_register dict, e.g.

import askap_surveys

The provided MOCs are also listed below.

Querying coverage:

import askap_surveys
from mocpy import MOC
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

# source to query for
for survey in askap_surveys.moc_register.keys():

ASKAP pilot surveys

  • EMU
  • VAST
    • Also has each epoch of VAST separately, generated by the create_vast_mocs script.

ASKAP full surveys

  • VAST
    • VAST_galactic
    • VAST_highdec
    • VAST_equatorial
