
Project for the course Embedded System Design

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Embedded System Design Project

An introduction to modern cmake can be found here

By default the system will cross-compile for the zybo, this can be disabled with cmake . -Bbuild -DUSE_SYSTEM_COMPILER=ON.


Before compiling please do cp cmake/host-vars.cmake.example cmake/host-vars.cmake and modify as needed

cmake basics

To configure: cmake . -Bbuild. This should be done when a CMakeLists.txt file changes.

To compile: cmake --build build

Quick deployment and test

For easy testing of executables a custom target can be added in cmake with add_deploy_target(<executable name>), and invoked from the command line cmake --build build --target deploy_<executable name>.

-------------------- Add libusb-1.0 to toolchain---------------- Required for ReceiptPrinter Follow this guide. https://github.com/guino/libusb-arm I used the toolchain we where given by Catalin. And only used the libusb, not libusb-compat. This seems to work.