
This is a dockerfile that has the thing for the course

Primary LanguageShell

Robotics and Comptuer Vision

This is a dockerfile that creates an image which are similar to the virtual machine that are provide in the course.

The dockerfile setups Robwork, OpenCV3 and PointCloudLibrary. Furthermore will it install vim as a editor. All files in the dictory root will be copy to the /home/user folder in the container. The folder execise is mount into root folder in the container, this means that chances to the files in the container will be save in the execise folder outside the container. But beware changes to files outside the folder execise will not be saved and will be delete if container is delete. When you enter the container are you signed in as a user user and the password is user.

The port 22 on the container is mapped to port 2222 on the localhost interface.

This required docker to have it own group, which is shown in the first part on this page. (The first 3 step)

Please beware that the docker image are only tested on linux and the gui required X11 which I known is not a part of Windows.

If there is any issues with the container, which are related to the docker images, feel free to report the issues here on this github page.

Quick info on Docker

Docker is a program that handler containers. Virtual machine and Containers works allmost the same, but a container is running directly on the host system kernel insteed of a virtualization of the hardware. Therefore is containers faster but they doesn't have access to all resources as a virtual machine but the resources can be shared with the container when need. This description is just a quick overview a more indepth can be found by google or on this page.

Docker works on windows, mac and linux. But beware that if you are running this image in docker on windows, will docker create a virtual machine in the background. If you are running docker on ubuntu then you run the command sudo apt install docker*.

Make file

In order to simplify the commands need are the provided a make file that handles allmust every thing.


make build

This command will build the image.

make buildrm

This command will remove the build images.

make innit

This will create the container, which access to the X11 server. This will create a file called container_id which contains the id of the created container. If the file already exists it will not create a new container.

make rm

This will remove the container and the file container_id.

make start

This will start the container.

make stop

This will stop the container.

make enter

This will attach the current terminal to the container.

Make it usefull from anywhere

alias rovi='make -f /home/me/Git/Robotics_and_Vision_Virtual_machine/Makefile'

Clangd support

To have clangd support for the host editor make the rovi-clangd script executable, owned by the docker group and set the setgid bit.

sudo chown $USER:docker rovi-clangd
sudo chmod a+x,s+g rovi-clangd

YouCompleteMe in vim

When starting vim do

:let g:ycm_clangd_binary_path='<absolute path to this dir>/rovi-clangd'