Every morning you get an email with the top tweets from yesterday. On the website you can further view all yesterday's tweets, sorted by popularity. It's Twitter in pure and focused form that doesn't suck you into a rabbitwhole of endless comments and threads.
First create a twitter app here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps
Configure the callback url to https://[your-hostname]/auth/twitter/callback
Note the API key and API secret key.
Consumer keys for signed up twitter users are encrypted before stored in the database using a 256 bit encryption string (https://github.com/attr-encrypted/attr_encrypted#usage).
You need to generate this string and you can use the following ruby code:
require "securerandom"
This will be the key for encrypting/decrypting twitter consumer keys so be careful of it.
- Ruby
- Node
- Yarn
- Postgres
Create a file called app/config/application.yml
with the following content:
TWITTER_KEY: [twitter api key]
TWITTER_SECRET: [twitter api secret key]
ENCRYPTION_KEY: [256 bit encrypting string]
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rm config/credentials.yml.enc
$ rails credentials:edit
$ rails db:setup
$ rails server
- Heroku postgres
- Sendgrid
- Scheduler
heroku config:set TWITTER_KEY=[twitter api key] \
TWITTER_SECRET=[twitter api secret key] \
ENCRYPTION_KEY=[256 bit encrypting string] \
MASTER_KEY=[found in config/master.key]
Open heroku scheduler with $ heroku addons:open scheduler
Set a task to run every hour at :00 with $ rake daily_digests:create
Set a task to run every hour at :00 with $ rake daily_digests:deliver