
RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs in Go.

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hproblem - Error responses for HTTP APIs in Go

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Package hproblem provides a standard interface for handling API error responses in web applications. It implements RFC 7807 (Problem Details for HTTP APIs) which specifies a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in a HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.


go get -u github.com/askeladdk/hproblem


The two basic functions are Wrap and ServeError. Wrap associates an error with a status code. ServeError replies to a request by marshaling the error to JSON, XML or plain text depending on the request's Accept header. Use it instead of http.Error. ServeError also accepts errors that implement the http.Handler interface, in which case the error is in charge of marshaling itself.

func endpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hproblem.ServeError(w, r, hproblem.Wrap(http.StatusBadRequest, io.EOF))

Use Errorf as a shorthand for Wrap(statusCode, fmt.Errorf(...)).

err = hproblem.Errorf(http.StatusBadRequest, "package: error: %w", err)

Use the DetailsError type directly if you need more control.

var err error = &hproblem.DetailsError{
    Detail: "This is not the Jedi that you are looking for",
    Instance: "/jedi/obi-wan",
    Status: http.StatusNotFound,
    Title: "Jedi Mind Trick",

Embed DetailsError inside another type to add custom fields and use NewDetailsError to initialize it.

type TraceError struct {
    TraceID string `json:"trace_id" xml:"trace_id"`

var err error = &TraceError{
    DetailsError: hproblem.NewDetailsError(hproblem.Wrap(http.StatusBadRequest, io.EOF)),
    TraceID: "42",

Use the predefined Status* errors to serve HTTP status codes without needing to wrap. This is convenient in cases where it is not needed to attach extra information to an error. Every status code present in the http package has an equivalent error in hproblem. Handlers MethodNotFound and NotFound are also provided.

hproblem.ServeError(w, r, hproblem.StatusForbidden)

Read the rest of the documentation on pkg.go.dev. It's easy-peasy!


Package hproblem is released under the terms of the ISC license.