bcrypt OpenLDAP support ---------------------- pw-bcrypt.c provides support for bcrypt password hashes in OpenLDAP. About bcrypt ------------ Bcrypt is a modern password hashing method, based on the Blowfish block cipher. It is designed by Niels Provos and David Mazieres, and is used in OpenBSD. From Wikipedia: Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power. (See 'Choosing a work factor' below.) A bcrypt hash in OpenLDAP looks like this: {BCRYPT}$2b$08$eSLWg21V/YvYvHYoWXFaKutal4LcolDv6.K/zgGmPJhDdytkb4yOe - {BCRYPT} is the name of the scheme - $2b$ means it will always use the 'safe', modern version of the algorithm, as discussed in http://www.openwall.com/lists/announce/2011/07/17/1 The original safe version had the $2y$ prefix. OpenBSD 5.5+ has a different prefix for the same thing, which is $2b$ so we prefer that. See also http://www.openwall.com/lists/announce/2014/08/31/1 - 08 is the work factor (this is the default) - Next is 16 bytes of random salt - The rest is the actual hash The work factor defines the number of rounds, and is a base 2 logarithm. So going from work factor 8 to 9 means the hash takes twice as much time to generate (and crack). Building -------- 1) Build and install OpenLDAP itself from the root of the distribution or from a git checkout $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-modules [other options you want] $ make depend $ make $ sudo make install 2) Incorporate the pw-bcrypt module in the source directory $ cd contrib/slapd-modules/passwd $ git clone <this repo> bcrypt $ cd bcrypt 3) Optional: Customize your setup Prefix The default prefix is /usr/local which means the module will be installed in /usr/local/libexec/openldap. If you want to change that, edit the 'prefix' variable in the Makefile. It is probably best to set this to whatever you set the --prefix to in step 1. Work factor The default work factor used by OpenBSD for regular user passwords is 8. It is also the default used by this module. The work factor can be set in slapd.conf but you can also change the default work factor in the code by editing pw-bcrypt.c: just set BCRYPT_DEFAULT_WORKFACTOR to the value you want. The work factor must be between 4 (very fast, not very safe) and 31 (insane, completely unusable; this will basically lock up the server). No matter what the work factor is set to in the code or in the configuration file, you will always be able to validate existing passwords that were hashed with different work factors. 4) Build the pw-bcrypt module: $ make $ sudo make install This will install the module to {prefix}/libexec/openldap/ 5) Edit your slapd.conf, and add: moduleload /usr/local/libexec/openldap/pw-bcrypt.so WORKFACTOR (or wherever you ended up putting your module) The WORKFACTOR argument can be omitted, in which case slapd will use the default of 8 or whatever you set it to in step 3. If you want all your new hashes to use bcrypt (in Password Modify Extended Operations), set this in your slapd.conf: password-hash {BCRYPT} However, make sure that all LDAP servers in your environment have the module loaded before you do this, otherwise your users will not be able to authenticate. 6) Restart slapd. Testing ------- Use slappasswd to generate some hashes. $ slappasswd -h '{BCRYPT}' -o module-load="<path-to-the-module>/pw-bcrypt.so" -s randompassword (Yes, the keyword here is 'module-load' with a - (dash). In slapd.conf the keyword is 'moduleload' without the dash.) Unfortunately, slappasswd does not allow providing any arguments to the module, so all hashes created with slappasswd will have the default work factor, which is 8 (or whatever you set it to in pw-bcrypt.c if you edited that). Debugging --------- To see what's going on, recompile with SLAPD_BCRYPT_DEBUG (use the commented-out DEFS in the Makefile), and then run slapd from the console: /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d WARNING: With debugging enabled, all passwords will be logged in plaintext! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This work is based on crypt_blowfish version 1.3 developed by Solar Designer, which is available at http://www.openwall.com/crypt/.