
HugChat - AI in your Terminal

Primary LanguagePython

HugChat - AI in your Terminal

Use HuggingChat without leaving your terminal, just copy the ai.py file to wherever you want and you are good to go. (ofcourse you need Python with Pip)

It just has 2 dependencies that can be installed from the command

pip install requests inquirer

For linux devices, you just need to change the permission by using the command

chmod 777 ai.py

To run, use the command


While it's possible to use this feature without creating an account, you can enhance your experience by utilizing the config.json file to incorporate cookies from your HuggingFace account. Doing so can reduce errors and improve overall performance. If you're unfamiliar with how to use cookies, don't worry - it's not a requirement. However, if you are familiar with this process, you don't need to set all fields. Please note that using the config file solely to set null values is not recommended.