
Development repository for the etcd cookbook

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Etcd Cookbook

Cookbook Version CI State OpenCollective OpenCollective License

The Etcd Cookbook is a library cookbook that provides custom resources for use in recipes.


This cookbook is concerned with the Etcd distributed key/value store as distributed by CoreOS, Inc.


This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit sous-chefs.org or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.


  • Chef Infra Client 12.15+
  • Network accessible web server hosting the etcd binary.

Platform Support

The following platforms have been tested with Test Kitchen. It will most likely work on other platforms as well

|               | 3.2.15 |
| amazonlinux 2 |   X    |
| centos-7      |   X    |
| debian-9      |   X    |
| debian-10     |   X    |
| fedora        |   X    |
| ubuntu-16.04  |   X    |
| ubuntu-18.04  |   X    |
| ubuntu-20.04  |   X    |
| opensuse-leap |   X    |

Cookbook Dependencies


  • Add depends 'etcd' to your cookbook's metadata.rb
  • Use the resources shipped in cookbook in a recipe, the same way you'd use core Chef resources (file, template, directory, package, etc).
etcd_service 'etcd0' do
  advertise_client_urls ''
  listen_client_urls ''
  initial_advertise_peer_urls ''
  listen_peer_urls ''
  initial_cluster_token 'etcd-cluster-1'
  initial_cluster 'etcd0=,etcd1=,etcd2='
  initial_cluster_state 'new'
  action :start
  ignore_failure true # required for the first cluster build

etcd_service 'etcd1' do
  advertise_client_urls ''
  listen_client_urls ''
  initial_advertise_peer_urls ''
  listen_peer_urls ''
  initial_cluster_token 'etcd-cluster-1'
  initial_cluster 'etcd0=,etcd1=,etcd2='
  initial_cluster_state 'new'
  action :start
  ignore_failure true

etcd_service 'etcd2' do
  advertise_client_urls ''
  listen_client_urls ''
  initial_advertise_peer_urls ''
  listen_peer_urls ''
  initial_cluster_token 'etcd-cluster-1'
  initial_cluster 'etcd0=,etcd1=,etcd2='
  initial_cluster_state 'new'
  action :start
  ignore_failure true

By default reosource creates etcd-NODE_NAME unit file name. Sometimes it's not comfortable.

If you don't run multi etcd service in node, you can change this action to default service name.

etcd_service 'etcd' do
  action :start
  default_service_name true

Test Cookbooks as Examples

The cookbooks ran under test-kitchen make excellent usage examples.

The test recipes are found at:


Resources Overview

  • etcd_service: composite resource that uses etcd_installation and etcd_service_manager
  • etcd_installation: automatically selects an installation method
  • etcd_service_manager: automatically selects a service manager
  • etcd_key: manages keys in etcd
  • etcd_installation_binary: copies a pre-compiled etcd binary onto disk
  • etcd_installation_docker: pulls a docker image to the DOCKER_HOST
  • etcd_service_manager_systemd: manage etcd daemon with systemd unit files
  • etcd_service_manager_docker: starts a docker process on the DOCKER_HOST

Resources Details


The etcd_installation resource auto-selects one of the below resources with the provider resolution system. Defaults to binary installation.


etcd_installation 'default' do
  action :create


The etcd_installation_binary resource copies the precompiled Go binary onto the disk.


etcd_installation_binary 'default' do
  version '3.2.6'
  source 'https://my.computers.biz/dist/etcd'
  checksum '90aff7364caa43932fd46974825af20e0ecb70fe7e01981e2d3a496106f147e7'
  action :create


The etcd_installation_docker resource uses the docker_image resource to pull an image to the DOCKER_HOST.


  • repo - The image name to pull. Defaults to 'quay.io/coreos/etcd'
  • tag - The image tag to pull.
  • version - String used to calculate tag string when tag is omitted. Defaults to '2.3.7'


The etcd_service_manager resource auto-selects one of the below resources with the provider resolution system. The etcd_service family all share a common set of properties, which are listed under the etcd_service composite resource.


etcd startup behavior is a bit quirky. etcd loops indefinitely on startup until quorum can be established. Due to this the first nodes service start will fail unless all nodes come up at the same time. Due to this there is an ignore_failure property for the systemd service managers which allows you to continue on in the chef run if the service fails to start. systemd will automatically keep restarting the service until all nodes are up and the cluster is healthy. For sys-v init you're on your own.


etcd_service_manager 'default' do
  action :start


  • ignore_failure - Ignore failures starting the etcd service. Before quorum is established nodes will loop indefinitely and never successfully start. This can help ensure all instances are up when init systems can handle restart on failure. Default: false



etcd_service_manager_systemd 'default' do
  action :start


  • service_timeout - The time in seconds before the service start fails. Default: 120
  • ignore_failure - Ignore failures starting the etcd service. Before quorum is established nodes will loop indefinitely and never successfully start. This can help ensure all instances are up when init systems can handle restart on failure. Default: false



etcd_service_manager_docker 'default' do
  action :start


  • repo - defaults to 'quay.io/coreos/etcd'
  • tag - default calculated from version
  • version - defaults to '3.2.15',
  • container_name - defaults to resource name
  • port - defaults to ['2379/tcp4:2379', '2380/tcp4:2380']
  • host_data_path - Path to store data locally on the host, which will be mounted into the container


The etcd_service: resource is a composite resource that uses etcd_installation and etcd_service_manager resources to install and manage the etcd service.

  • The :create action uses an etcd_installation
  • The :delete action uses anetcd_installation
  • The :start action uses an etcd_service_manager
  • The :stop action uses an etcd_service_manager

The service management strategy for the host platform is dynamically chosen based on platform, but can be overridden.


The etcd_service resource property list corresponds to the options found in

Etcd Configuration Flags documentation

Member properties
  • source
  • node_name
  • data_dir
  • wal_dir
  • snapshot_count snapshot to disk.
  • heartbeat_interval
  • election_timeout
  • listen_peer_urls
  • listen_client_urls
  • max_snapshots
  • max_wals
  • cors
  • quota_backend_bytes
Clustering properties
  • initial
  • initial_advertise_peer_urls
  • initial_cluster
  • initial_cluster_state
  • initial_cluster_token
  • advertise_client_urls
  • discovery
  • discovery_srv
  • discovery_fallback
  • discovery_proxy
  • strict_reconfig_check
  • auto_compaction_retention
  • enable_v2
Proxy properties
  • proxy
  • proxy_failure_wait
  • proxy_refresh_interval
  • proxy_dial_timeout
  • proxy_write_timeout
  • proxy_read_timeout
Security properties
  • cert_file
  • key_file
  • client_cert_auth
  • trusted_ca_file
  • auto_tls
  • peer_cert_file
  • peer_key_file
  • peer_client_cert_auth
  • peer_trusted_ca_file
  • peer_cert_allowed_cn
  • peer_auto_tls
  • etcdctl_client_cert_file
  • etcdctl_client_key_file
Logging properties
  • debug
  • log_package_levels
Profiling properties
  • enable_pprof
  • metrics
  • listen-metrics-urls
Auth Flpropertiesags
  • auth_token
Unsafe properties
  • force_new_cluster
Misc properties
  • http_proxy
  • https_proxy
  • no_proxy
  • auto_restart


The etcd_key resource sets, watches and deletes keys in etcd.


  • The :set action sets a key
  • The :delete action deletes a key
  • The :watch action waits for a key to update
  • key - The key name
  • value - The desired value
  • ttl - The ttl for the key (optional)
  • host - The hostname of the etcd server, defaults to
  • port - The port that etcd is listening on, defaults to 2379


etcd_key "/test" do
  value "a_test_value"
  action :set


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

Additional Contributors


Thank you to all our backers!



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