
Homebridge plugin for Eufy RoboVac

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Homebridge plugin for Eufy RoboVac


  • Switch on / off. When off, it will returning to charging dock automatically.

  • Display battery level, and notify on low battery.

  • Display battery charging state.

  • Find robot


This easiest way to use this plugin is to use homebridge-config-ui-x.
To configure manually, add to the accessories section of homebridge's config.json after installing the plugin.

Command: npm install -g homebridge-eufy-robovac


    "accessory": "Eufy RoboVac",
    "name": "Vacuum Cleaner",
    "deviceId": "<deviceId/devId>",
    "localKey": "<localKey>",
    "hideFindButton": "<true | false, defaults to false>",
    "hideErrorSensor": "<true | false, defaults to false>",
    "useSwitchService": "<true | false, defaults to false>",
    "debugLog": "<true | false, defaults to false>"

You can find out more about the deviceId/localKey here

Eufy RoboVac will be added to Home app a fan accessory (since HomeKit does not natively support vacuums).
If hideFindButton is not supplied or set to false, a switch that performs the 'Find' function will also be added.
If hideErrorSensor is not supplied or set to false, a Motion Sensor that is active when the vacuum has an error will also be added.
If useSwitchService is true, main Vacuum will be a switch instead of fan.
if debugLog is enabled (set to true), the underlying library will outut many logs.

Thank You

  • mitchellrj - Did most of the legwork in figuring out how to talk to the Eufy
  • seikan - Provided a great example for how to expose a vacuum cleaner in homebridge/homekit


This plugin is written in TypeScript. You should just need to run npm run build after making changes in the src/ directory.

Also this plugin is dependent on eufy-robovac so you will probably want to fork that repo as well.