
The NodPI [Node + API] is a command-line interface that scaffolds a project or an extension by generating the basic code. The CLI provides the fastest way to get started with a Node API project that adheres to best practices.

Built for API developers

  • Create Project Structure with all basic users api
  • Define your API endpoints and schemas
  • Create new route in existing project with all basic CRUD functions

See NodPI for documentation and terms.

Install the CLI globally by running

npm i -g nodpi


nodpi [option] [name] [folder name optional]

Eg :

nodpi p nodeapi [folder name optional] ---    To create new node api project  

nodpi r users  ---    To create new route with model, controller,service

nodpi m users [folder name optional] ---    To create new node api model file

nodpi p users [folder name optional] ---    To create new node api controller file

nodpi s users [folder name optional] ---    To create new node api service file

