
Drinking game written in HTML/Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Gaem :: Epic Drinking Gaem

The Gaem is a simple drinking scheduler written in JavaScript.

Gaem spinning

How It Works

The Gaem picks random times to give out drinks. Once this time has been reached a spinner is displayed and a random person is chosen to drink.

How To Play

Simply open the file index.html in the project root using your favorite browser. Set settings by browsing admin.html. Further information about settings in section below.


Changable settings include:

  • On/Off: Whether the game is running or not.
  • Min time: Minimum time we have to wait between each spinner is displayed.
  • Max time: Maximum time we have to wait between each spinner is displayed.
  • Chance for double spin: Define change of two simultaneous spinners.
  • Change for triple spin: Define change of three simultaneous spinners.
  • Names: Names for people that can be given a drink.
  • Play sounds: Whether or not to play sounds after each spinning is finished.

Gaem settings