
HTML + Wordpress Boilerplate using Laravel Mix

Primary LanguagePHP

1. Compile SASS & JS files using Laravel Mix

cd html

npm install

npx run watch - To watch all files changes

npx run dev - To build all files in development mode

npx run prod - To build all files in production mode

Files explained

/src - This folder contains all the source JS and CSS files

/dist - This folder contains all the compiled JS and CSS files

/node_modules - Do not upload this folder to server 🙂

What's included

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. Slick Carousel
  4. Hamburger CSS
  5. PostCSS Autoprefixer
  6. SASS Support
  7. Browsersync - Make sure to change the proxy url in webpack.mix.js file

2. Install WordPress using WP-CLI

mkdir myproject

cd myproject

wp core download

wp config create --dbname="myproject" --dbuser="admin" --dbpass="admin" --dbhost="localhost"

wp core install --url="myproject.local" --title="My Project" --admin_user="admin" --admin_password="admin" --admin_email="your@email.com"