
Boilerplate to use Laravel Mix on any web project

Primary LanguageSCSS

Laravel Mix Boilerplate Setup

Files explained

/src - This folder contains all the source JS and CSS files

/dist - This folder contains all the compiled JS and CSS files

/node_modules - Do not upload this folder to server :D

Steps to use this repo in your project

git clone THIS_REPO

npm install

Use below Commands to Compile files

npx mix watch - To watch all files changes

npx mix - To build all files in development mode

npx mix --production - To build all files in production mode

What's included

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. Slick Carousel
  4. Hamburger CSS
  5. PostCSS Autoprefixer
  6. SASS files


  1. Make sure you create "img" and "fonts" folders in project root so they can be shared with both "src" and "dist"


  • Add PurgeCSS for Production mode
  • Add Custom Select box CSS
  • Add Custom Radio button CSS