
🚀 Project aims get information about Weather App via a Javascript.

Primary LanguageCSS

Project : Weather App

Animation of the Website


Visulation of the Website



Project aims to display current weather data of searched city around the world with fetching Weather Api data.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the this project, you will be able to;

  • analyze a problem,

  • demonstrate your knowledge of algorithmic design principles.

Problem Statement

  • Design a weather condition page following the design and populate data for searched city with using of axios in JS.

Project Skeleton

|----Weather App


User story;

  • User can search city around the world.
  • The app can fetch api with the searched city name(... and apikey if it is obligatory).
  • User can display weather data of searched city in weather card.
  • User can display list of searched city weather data card like on gif.
  • If new searched city is in the weather data list, app can display a warning text to user on page.

🔥 You can use OpenWeather Api for your app.


I mastered HTML, CSS and Javascript (fetch api) features in this project. You can see the visual representation of the website above.