
Telegram bot for ethOS!

Primary LanguagePython

ethogram alt text

Telegram bot for ethOS! Feel free to use it by adding @ethogramBot to a group, or chatting with it directly.

Since the bot now tracks the chat id's in a file, even if it restarts, we can alert users of downtime, or possible issues with the bot itself by sending status messages (not implemented yet).

Getting Started

  • Just add ethogramBot to the group, or chat it up directly.
  • run /start [PANEL_ID] to monitor [PANEL_ID].ethosdistro.com


If you'd like to deploy your own version of this bot, please follow this rough guide:

  • Use BotFather from Telegram to create a bot, and acquire TELEGRAM_TOKEN
  • Clone this repo on a server, such as DigitialOcean. (Don't use heroku, since this bot relies on file persistence)
  • cd into the repo root
  • Create ethogram.json, as follows:
  • Create certs directory, and add required SSL files for https webhook support: (TODO: Add more details)
    • cert.pem
    • private.key
  • Now, you have two options:
    • Using Docker:
      • Build the docker image docker build -t ethogram .
      • Run a container docker run -d -p 8443:8443 -v "$(pwd)":/app ethogram
    • Execute directly:
      • Install python3
      • Install requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
      • Run using python3 driver.py


action alert description
all_stats send all available stats
gpu_temps Alert range 40 - 75 C
hashrates Alert increase/decrease of +10%
timestamp Alert if t(n) > t(n+1)
