Software to automate the random use of LayerZero bridges by multiple accounts simultaneously
The layerzero-bridger is an app with the command-line interface that provides various functionalities for working with LayerZero bridges. It allows you to generate private keys, withdraw funds from exchanges, and execute bridges multiple times in a random sequence.
Support for all popular EVM networks - Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche, BSC
Scanning of networks for stablecoins/BTC.b on balance
Bridge via Stargate, BTC.b
Complete randomization of paths and timings. No patterns
Simultaneous operation of multiple accounts in different threads
Automatic refuel from Binance and Okex exchanges (withdrawal of the native token to pay gas fees)
Install Python 3.9.2 (another version is possible, but I can't vouch for it)
Go to the directory with the repository (you will probably have a different path):
cd layerzero-bridger
Initialize the virtual environment and install the dependencies: