- 0
Grammar incorrect in document
#129 opened by huyhqit - 0
- 4
Byte Addressing for TypedArray views of heaps - why, and what does it accomplish?
#124 opened by nphyx - 0
anything with fround doesn't validate
#125 opened by charlieroberts - 4
is this repository maintained?
#99 opened by soliton4 - 1
Command line utility?
#101 opened by alexanderGugel - 4
Validator accepts code that it shouldn't
#104 opened by kripken - 1
- 0
Allow constants in case blocks
#107 opened by kg - 4
If doesn't work?
#113 opened by remexre - 0
- 1
Assignment operators are not validated
#118 opened by anvaka - 1
Foreign function invocations do not validate
#119 opened by sehugg - 1
Constant expressions
#93 opened by Ginden - 2
Validating switch is broken
#94 opened by h8liu - 1
Request: Fast integer overflow checks
#95 opened by hikari-no-yume - 1
Obsolete reference to "LogicalORExpression"
#74 opened by sunfishcode - 1
Confusing language in Abstract
#75 opened by sunfishcode - 2
Support global constants in initializers
#77 opened by kripken - 6
- 17
- 1
Error in spec, section 6.7, function calls?
#81 opened by mnieper - 0
Binary "-" with int arguments
#82 opened by mnieper - 2
- 3
Math.round not supported
#84 opened by sbalko - 6
- 2
- 2
FFI example
#87 opened by wtchoi - 3
- 5
return type inference problem
#89 opened by wtchoi - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
Spec should mention semicolon insertion.
#66 opened by cscott - 3
- 2
- 6
integer modulus (%) should be intish, not int
#69 opened by jruderman - 8
Call-site coercions.
#70 opened by cscott - 2
- 4
Spec's EqualityExpression section does not mention strict equality operators === and !==
#71 opened by cpeterso - 1
Publish validator on npm?
#73 opened by devongovett - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Fround annotations break hoisting semantics
#111 opened - 1
- 0
- 0