Nursery Management System

This is a small nursery management system built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. It provides endpoints for managing teachers, children, and classes.


  • CRUD operations for teachers
  • CRUD operations for children
  • CRUD operations for classes
  • Authentication with JWT tokens
  • Input validation for creating and updating resources
  • File upload for teacher images


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
cd Nuersery App
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory
    • Define the following variables:
      • PORT: Port number for the server (default is 3000)
      • MONGODB_URI: MongoDB connection URI
      • JWT_SECRET: Secret key for JWT token generation
  2. Run the application:

npm start

Main Endpoints


  • GET /teachers: Get all teachers
  • POST /teachers: Add a new teacher
  • PUT /teachers: Update an existing teacher
  • DELETE /teachers: Delete a teacher
  • PUT /teachers/password: Change the teacher's password


  • GET /childrens: Get all children
  • POST /childrens: Add a new child (Authorization required)
  • PUT /childrens: Update an existing child (Authorization required)
  • DELETE /childrens: Delete a child (Authorization required)


  • GET /classes: Get all classes
  • POST /classes: Add a new class
  • PUT /classes: Update an existing class
  • DELETE /classes: Delete a class


  • Authentication is required for most endpoints using JWT tokens.
  • To authenticate, include the JWT token in the Authorization header of the request.
  • Use the /login endpoint to obtain a JWT token by providing valid credentials.


  • Swagger documentation is not accessible directly as most routes require authorization with a JWT token.