Pinned Repositories
The "Food Order" React project is a web application designed to simplify the process of ordering food online. It allows users to browse a variety of food items, add them to their cart, and view their order details.
In the Hand Gesture Recognition System project, we aim to develop a comprehensive machine learning pipeline capable of accurately classifying hand gestures into six digits (0 to 5). Our system is designed to handle variations in lighting effects and hand poses, ensuring robust performance in real-world scenarios.
This project is a line follower and maze solver robot that uses a PID algorithm to navigate through a black line on a white surface. the robot is provided with a mobile application that scans the top view of the line print and adjusts the robot's speed accordingly.
It's a website with advanced animation, and styling, where I use sass, sass architecture, and icon-fonts with responsive design.
Simple photo gallery to Upload your media images and store them with description and then you will be able to search images by categories, I use firebase to store data, and add some animation for the website. I implement the website using Vue js, and deploy it using vercel.
project planner application implemented with Vue.js, HTML and CSS.
A Project that mimics the Frontend part of reddit.
Cryptography project includes communication between sender and receiver with RSA encryption algorithm and breaking it with CCA (chosen cipher attack) and mathematical attack using python socket.
Search engine implemented with Java including: web crawling, indexing and ranking and the interaction between them.
This is a simple game where the player acts as a duck responsible for picking up ducks to reach the home.
asmaaadel0's Repositories
project planner application implemented with Vue.js, HTML and CSS.
Search engine implemented with Java including: web crawling, indexing and ranking and the interaction between them.
It's a website with advanced animation, and styling, where I use sass, sass architecture, and icon-fonts with responsive design.
It's a responsive website with advanced animation, and styling, where I use sass, flexbox, icomoon, and svg-icons.
Learning Resources App is a simple web application built using Vue js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It's a website with advanced animation, and styling, where I use sass, flexbox, icomoon, and svg-icons.
VueShop is Shopping cart demo using Vue js, vue-router, vuex.
Design and implementation an arithmetic unit that is capable of adding, subtracting, and multiplying two signed magnitude numbers, and displays the result of the operation performed along with some additional flags regarding the operation and the result using Logisim.
Here I have created a Calculator program using the JavaScript language, including HTML and CSS web programming.
It's a solution for Communication Lab ELC3251 3rd computer engineering Cairo university
It's a Vue Project where I use composition API, implemented with html, css, vuejs.
It's a solution for Architecture Labs CMP3010 3rd computer engineering Cairo university
A simple 5-stage pipelined processor following Harvard's architecture. The processor has RISC-like ISA.
Monster Slayer Game is a simple game using Vue.js, HTML and CSS.
multi-pages App is a simple web application built using Vue js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This project to modulate and perform synchronous demodulation for speech signals.
Inferno State is a statistical tool that is used to plot data, calculate measures of center, PDF, and CDF of some known distributions.
An Operating System scheduler schedule processes using three algorithms Non-preemptive, Round Robin (RR), Highest Priority First (HPF) and Shortest Remaining time Next (SRTN), and handle memory allocation using buddy memory allocation system
It's a simple game written with python.
Simple Game implemented with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and VueJS.
A Project that mimics the Frontend part of reddit.
Snake Game is a simple children game implemented with JAVA.
The Tic Tac Toe game is a game for two players implemented with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
A Vue modal with animations, Shared component across routes with animations