
Python package returning random curses from Captain Haddock

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Aren't you bored of reading and writing the same error messages over and over again like "Wrong argument!", "End date must be after start date!" , "Division by zero!" etc. . With the haddock package you will be able to spice them up a bit:

  • "Wrong argument, dipsomaniac!"
  • "End date must be after start date, whipper-snapper!"
  • "Division by zero, interplanetary goat!"

To do this, the method curse() of this package returns random curses from Captain Haddock. At the moment it supports curses in english (default), german and french.

The sources for the curses are

Pull requests for other languages are welcome.


pip install haddock-curses


import haddock
>>> print(haddock.curse())

You can use the title() method from Python standard library to capitalize your swears.

>>> print(haddock.curse().title())
>>> print(haddock.curse(lang="de").title())
Sie Logarithmus!
>>> print(haddock.curse(lang="fr").title())
Bande D'Ectoplasmes De Tonnerre De Brest 

You can decorate existing exception message with curses.

>>> try: 0/0
... except Exception as e: print(str(e) + ", " + haddock.curse() + "!")
division by zero, confounded rattletrap!!

Upload to PyPi

The project needs poetry for package management. To install on e.g. Mac OS X do

$ brew install poetry

Before you can upload packages to PyPi you need to create an account at PyPi, activate 2FA (e.g. use Google Authenticator) and create an API-Token. Then you can configure poetry to use the API-Token like

$ poetry config pypi-token.pypi <your-api-token>

You can then build and upload the package to PyPi simply by

$ poetry build    # will build both sdist and wheel 
$ poetry publish  # by default publishes to PyPi