
A simple Clojure internationalization library

Primary LanguageClojure

Clj18n: Simple Clojure Internationalization Build Status

A playground for Clojure internationalization. While the library is fairly complete, most users will likely be better served by the more mature Tower.


Add the following to your project.clj:

[clj18n "0.4.0"]

For other options, please refer to the library Clojars page.


You can find examples below and for more extensive documentation you can refer to the API docs.


Standard dictionary format

Write your dictionary in EDN.

{#clj18n/locale :en
 {:hi "Hello %s"
  :bye "Goodbye"
  :title #clj18n/md "## Welcome ##"}
 #clj18n/locale :en_US
 {:hi "Howdy %s"}}

Clj18n parses the #clj18n/locale literals into java.util.Locale instances. The library offers support out of the box for the following dictionary string parsing instructions:

  • clj18n/md will be parsed as Markdown
  • clj18n/esc will be escaped for HTML tags


Access translations directly or create a closure around the dictionary.

; Load your dictionary at compile-time.
(def dict (load-dict "dictionary.edn"))

; User string interpolation
(translate dict locale [:front-page :logged-in] "Joe")

; Use a closure for more succinct syntax
(let [t (partial translate dict locale)]
  (t [:front-page :title]))

Ring middleware

Use Ring middleware to integrate Clj18n with your web app.

; Load the dictionary from the EDN file using Ring middleware.
; Set locale based on :locale-fns and :default.
(def app
  (-> routes
      (wrap-i18n (load-dict "dictionary.edn")
                 :locale-fns [locale-from-session]
                 :default :en-US)))

; Access translations via the translation closure bound to :t in the request.
(defn index
  [{:keys [t]}]
  (t [:hi] "Jim"))


Localization is implemented via the Localization protocol which declares one method called fmt. Clj18n comes with default implementations for java.util.Date, java.lang.Number, and nil.

; Format dates and numbers as strings.
(fmt 20000 locale)
(fmt 20000 locale :currency)
(fmt (Date.) locale)
(fmt (Date.) locale :date)
(fmt (Date.) locale :date-long)
(fmt (Date.) locale :datetime-full)
(fmt (Date.) locale :time-short))

; Parse strings and sort collections.
(parse-date date-string locale)
(parse-num (params :total) locale :currency)
(loc-sort ["Köyliö" "Kuopio"] locale)


If you have suggestions for the library, you are welcome to open up a new issue. I also welcome code contributions, in which case I would recommend a pull request with a feature branch.


Copyright © 2013 Janne Asmala

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.