
My tic tac toe

Primary LanguageJavaScript


List technologies used : 1 - i used animated for header and image for both pages by using this web site (https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/). 2- i used sweet alert for winner and tie in the game by using this web site (https://sweetalert.js.org/). 3- use icon for title of page.

Document your planning and tell a story about your development process and problem-solving strategy :

  • I created two pages linked together the first page take the user to the game in the second page by button to start play.

  • in the second page there is board of game the user will fill it by( X or O) .

  • He can clicked on any place on the board of game to start game , after playing and win the result will record for winner player ,if the player win , will be there alert on the page tell user (congratulations "X is winner " or "O is winner " )and if the user want play again he will pressing on the button (restart) without refresh the page or clear the results. if the user want to play from the beginning and count number of times win again he should refresh the page.

List unsolved problems which would be fixed in future iterations :

  • Response pages to run on various devices such as iPhone or tablet devices.

Describe how you solved for the winner:

  • the winner always play in the rows, columns and diagonals beside each other. if the board of game full of( X or O) and nobody winner , will be tie for both players.