
:books: pages-server is a simple server that serves pages from Gitea repositories.

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pages-server is a simple server that serves pages from Gitea repositories.

It works in three modes:

  1. Repository with pages-branch topic should have gh-pages or gh-pages-VERSION branched, where VERSION is a version of the docs
  2. Repository with pages-release topic should have release with docs.zip attachment with a zipped pages site.
  3. Repository with pages-packages topic should have corresponding Gitea package with a zipped pages site with docs.zip name. E.g. for gitea.com/owner/repo there should be a generic package repository repo in gitea.com/owner with a file called docs.zip containing the site.

This server will not build any content on its own. It will only serve existing code.

Pages flow

  1. Every valid Gitea user is authenticated with Gitea using OAuth2 (configured using AUTH_GITEA_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and AUTH_GITEA_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET).
  2. pages-server uses the users' oauth token to check if the user has access to the repository.
  3. If the user has access to the repository, pages-server fetches the latest version of the repository using GITEA_ADMIN_TOKEN and caches it in the bbolt database.
  4. pages-server serves the pages from the bbolt database.


pages-server dev
pages-server simple pages server for small-to-medium gitea installations

    pages-server [global options] [arguments...]

    --pages-url value                       url for pages server (default: "http://localhost:8000") [$PAGES_URL]
    --pages-title value                     title for pages server (default: "Gitea Pages") [$PAGES_TITLE]
    --gitea-url value                       url for Gitea (default: "http://localhost:3000") [$GITEA_URL]
    --gitea-admin-token value               admin token for Gitea [$GITEA_ADMIN_TOKEN]
    --gitea-hook-secret value               secret for gitea webhooks [$GITEA_HOOK_SECRET]
    --gitea-pages-addr-from-gitea value     url for pages server as viewed from gitea (default: "http://localhost:8000") [$GITEA_PAGES_ADDR_FROM_GITEA]
    --database-filename value               path to database (default: "pages-server.db") [$DATABASE_FILENAME]
    --auth-cookie-name value                name of cookie for oauth state (default: "__i_love_pages_server") [$AUTH_COOKIE_NAME]
    --auth-secret value                     secret for auth (default: "CHANGEME") [$AUTH_SECRET]
    --auth-gitea-oauth-client-id value      oauth2 app client id from Gitea [$AUTH_GITEA_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID]
    --auth-gitea-oauth-client-secret value  oauth2 app client secret from Gitea [$AUTH_GITEA_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET]
    --server-addr value                     address to listen on (default: "localhost:8000") [$SERVER_ADDR]
    --help, -h                              show help
    --version, -v                           print the version