
Visit https://github.com/asmichi/ChildProcess for the current development. Archived as a reference for a ProcessPipeline implementation.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Visit https://github.com/asmichi/ChildProcess for the current development. This repository has been archived as a reference for a ProcessPipeline implementation.


A .NET library that provides functionality for creating child processes. Easier, less error-prone, more flexible than System.Diagnostics.Process at creating child processes.

This library can be obtained via NuGet.

Build Status

Comparison with System.Diagnostics.Process

  • Concentrates on creating a child process and obtaining its output.
    • Cannot query status of a process.
  • More destinations of redirection:
    • NUL
    • File (optionally appended)
    • Pipe
    • Handle
  • Less error-prone default values for redirection:
    • stdin to NUL
    • stdout to the current stdout
    • stderr to the current stderr
  • Pipes are asynchronous; asynchronous reads and writes will be handled by IO completion ports.
  • WaitForExitAsync.


The MIT License

Supported Runtimes


  • net471 or later
  • netcoreapp2.1 or later
  • (Will support frameworks that implement netstandard2.1)


  • win10-x86 or later (Desktop)
  • win10-x64 or later (Desktop)

linux-x64 support is planned but not implemented.


  • When overriding environment variables, it is recommended that you include basic environment variables such as SystemRoot, etc.


See ProcessPipeline.Example (not yet) for more examples.


var si = new ChildProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/C", "echo", "foo")
    StdOutputRedirection = OutputRedirection.OutputPipe,

using (var p = ChildProcess.Start(si))
    using (var sr = new StreamReader(p.StandardOutput))
        // "foo"
        Console.Write(await sr.ReadToEndAsync());
    await p.WaitForExitAsync();
    // ExitCode: 0
    Console.WriteLine("ExitCode: {0}", p.ExitCode);

Redirection to File

var si = new ChildProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/C", "set")
    StdOutputRedirection = OutputRedirection.File,
    StdOutputFile = "env.txt"

using (var p = ChildProcess.Start(si))
    await p.WaitForExitAsync();

// ...