
Autoencoder-ATLAS: codes for implementation of autoencoder-decoder network to compress the data from the ATLAS experiments from 4 to 3 variables, and reconstruct the compressed data.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Here, you can find the codes for implementation of autoencoder-decoder network to compress the data from the ATLAS experiments from 4 to 3 variables, and reconstruct the same.


The ATLAS experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN produce millions of proton-proton collision events. Here, I analyse the variables from the 4-momentum from the leading jets.

The 4 Variables:

  • pt: transverse momentum pT
  • eta: pseudorapidity η
  • phi: azimuthal angle φ
  • eta: energy E


Python 3.5


  • numpy  
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • sys
  • torch
  • fastai
  • scipy
  • seaborn
  • corner


The Jupyter Notebook consist of the following modules:

  1. Loading the dataset.
    The analysis has been done by preprocessing the data in two ways and comparing the results by auto-ecoding the two sets of preprocessed data. Preprocessing of the data:
  • Normalisation of data: Subtract the mean of the training set and divide by standard deviation of the training set.
  • Custom standardisation of 4 variables in the following way:
    • m = log(m+1)/1.8
    • pt = log(pt-1.3)/1.2
    • phi = phi/3
    • eta = eta/ 5
  1. Histogram to visulaise the data distribution.
  2. Load model and data as tensors.
    The model used is the AE_3D_200.
  3. Reconstruction of the data using the auto encoder-decoder model.
    The plots for both the reconstructed normalised as well as custom standardised data are shown.
  4. Reconstruction Loss (Residual).
    Residual = (Predicted Data - Original Data) / Original Data
    The plots for the residuals for both the reconstructed normalised as well as custom standardised data are shown.
  5. Correlations between the variables' residuals The residual of eta and pt of the standardised data are nagatively correlated.


The custom standardised variables have been reconstructed by the autoencoder-decoder model more faithfully than the normalised variables.

  • Sum of absolute errors between original data and reconstructed data (on custom standardising the data):
    • m : 4210.5957
    • pt : 1573.8503
    • phi : 415.63806
    • eta : 2487.95
  • Sum of absolute errors between original data and reconstructed data (on normalising the data):
    • m : 1.154388e+10
    • pt : 180858.6
    • phi : 26188.15
    • eta : 62703.69


1. Install dependencies
2. Downloading the dataset.

Download the datasets and store them in a folder processed_data:

2. Run the Jupyter notebook.

The various plots can be visualised in the Jupyter Notebook