
Database Project : Using MySQL database, I have created a festival management system, which could be accessed by the administrator and participants, and could handle various kinds of queries.


In this application, students can register for participating in different events in a fest, judges can register for judging an event, and the administrator controls the entire website, including posting and updating events and notifications. There can be log-ins from the participants', judges' or admins' side.
Using MySQL several relational databases required for the project have been created and maintained. There are tables to store participant details, event details, event schedules, judges' details, winners of events, event sponsorship and coordinator details. The data in the database has been normalized up to 3rd Normal Form. Structure Queried Language (SQL) was used to make queries, retrieve and update information in the database.
A front-end was further made using PHP and HTML, and integrated with the back-end databases. After signing up in the main page, participants could log in and register for events if they met the eligibility criteria, query the details and winner of any event, cancel his/her participation in an event or delete his/her account. Similarly, a judge could sign up for judging an event provided he/she met certain eligibility criteria. The admin could manage all the accounts, and update data and make any queries.