
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


To get started:

  • Clone this repo (git clone ${the link you get when you click on the green button to the top right here})
  • Make sure you have Python 3 installed as well as pip3.
  • Install virtualenv: (pip3 install virtualenv)
  • Create a new Python3 virtual environment (virtualenv $path_to_your_environment): for example, virtualenv ~/alyssa/my_env)
  • Activate your virtual environment (source $path_to_your_environment/bin/activate): for example, source ~/alyssa/my_env/bin/activate)
  • Install requirements in your virtual environment (pip3 install -r requirements.txt)

Hello world program:

  • Loosely based off of this tutorial, with expansions.
  • To start off, make a reddit account if you don't have one.
  • Navigate to the apps console (follow the tutorial linked above) to create your very own app.
  • Put your credentials in the appropriate places in creds.yaml. This ensures that you won't upload your credentials to Git accidentally!
  • Choose a subreddit to explore! Put its name in the appropriate place in example.py.
  • Add the search term. Remember, | means OR and & means AND!
  • Run example.py and collect some data! This might take a while.
  • You can decrease the number of days you're looking at (last line of example.py) if you're in a hurry.
  • For instructions on how to get something to run on your computer without you jiggling the mouse every so often, try this
  • In another window, activate your virtual environment you created previously. Launch a jupyter notebook server (jupyter notebook).
  • In this repo, we've provided a sample data pickle file with usernames hashed for privacy; feel free to use this to play around! It contains 365 days of /r/legaladvice's mentions of any FAANG company (Facebook/Amazon/Apple/Netflix/Google).
  • Take a look at dataviz.ipynb and explore the examples. What do you want to know about your data?