
Terrform and Ansible code to provision Pi-Hole on AWS

Primary LanguageShell

Pi Hole Terrform and Ansible Code

This is a work in progress to stand up a Pi-Hole server using Terraform and Ansible.

The Ansible part probably doesn't work properly because port 22 is blocked from my location.

Core Version Constraints:

  • >=0.12.0

Provider Requirements:

  • aws: ~> 2.0
  • null: (any version)

Input Variables

  • Patch_Group (default "Ubuntu18"): This can be used for AWS SSM
  • env (default "dev"): The environment that this instance will be deployed to
  • iam_profile (default "Insert IAM role for the instance"): The profile to assign to the instance
  • instance_type (default "t2.nano"): Instance type
  • key_name (default "Insert key pair name here"): Key name to be used on the instance
  • owner (default "Zaphod Beeblebrox"): Who is responsible for this instance
  • region (default "Insert region here")
  • tag_name (default "Tag name of the instance"): Tags for the instance
  • zone (default "Insert the zone for the instance deployment")

Managed Resources

  • aws_eip.eip from aws
  • aws_eip_association.eip-asoc from aws
  • null_resource.ansible from null

Child Modules

  • ec2 from ./modules/ec2
  • security from ./modules/sg/openvpn
  • subnet from ./modules/subnets
  • vpc from ./modules/vpc