
Show all instances running on AWS, Azure, GCP & Openstack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


View instance information on all supported cloud providers: Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google Compute Platform & OpenStack.

Build Status


Usage: cloudview [OPTIONS]
    -h, --help                          show this help message and exit
    -l, --log debug|info|warning|error|critical
    -o, --output text|html|json|JSON    output type
    -p, --port PORT                     run a web server on port PORT
    -r, --reverse                       reverse sort
    -s, --sort name|time|status         sort type
    -S, --status stopped|running|all    filter by instance status
    -T, --time TIME_FORMAT              time format as used by strftime(3)
    -v, --verbose                       be verbose
    -V, --version                       show version and exit
Filter options:
    --filter-aws NAME VALUE             may be specified multiple times
    --filter-azure FILTER               Filter for Azure
    --filter-gcp FILTER                 Filter for GCP
    --filter-openstack NAME VALUE       may be specified multiple times


  • Use --output JSON to dump all available information received from each provider.

This script is best run with Docker to have all dependencies in just one package, but it may be run stand-alone on systems with Python 3.5+

Environment variables



  • The AWS_* environment variables are optional. If not set, the AWS SDK will grab the information from ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config.
  • The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable must contain the path to the JSON file downloaded from the GCP web console after creating a personal key for the service account of your project.
  • The AZURE_* environment variables are mandatory if you want Azure output. For AZURE_TENANT_ID & AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID check the output of az account show --query "{subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}". For the client id and secret, an Azure AD Service Principal is required and can be created, with the proper permissions, with this command: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name MY-AD-SP --role=Contributor --scopes=/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION ID>. These variables are the same as the ARM_* variables used by the Terraform Azure provider. More information in the official Microsoft documentation
  • The OS_* variables are optional. You may set them by sourcing the OpenStack RC v2.0 or v3 scripts that you may download from the web UI at https://OPENSTACK_SERVER/project/access_and_security/api_access/openrc/. Alternatively, you may use the clouds.yaml file described at the OpenstackSDK documentation

To run stand-alone:

pip3 install --user cloudview

To run with Docker (or Podman):

If you want to use Podman instead of Docker:

alias docker=podman

Build image with:

docker build -t cloud --pull .

Export the variables listed in the .dockerenv file and run with:

docker run --rm -v "$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS:$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS:ro" -v "$OS_CACERT:$OS_CACERT:ro" -v ~/.config/openstack:/etc/openstack:ro --env-file .dockerenv cloudview --status all


  • To use podman in rootless mode, make sure to add your user to the /etc/subuid & /etc/subgid files as described in the manual page

Run the web server with Docker Compose:

If you have a TLS key pair, rename the certificate to cert.pem, the private key to key.pem and the file containing the passphrase to the private key to key.txt. Then edit the docker-compose.yml file to mount them to /etc/nginx/ssl in read-only mode like this: - "/path/to/tls:/etc/nginx/ssl:ro". Set and export the NGINX_HOST environment variable with the DNS of your host.

If you don't have a TLS key pair, a self-signed certificate will be generated. Be aware of the typical problems with time resolution related to TLS certificates.

For HTTP Basic Authentication, create a file named auth.htpasswd in the same directory with the TLS certs. Use the htpasswd utility for this. This file is generated if a self-signed certificate is generated too. In this case you must look up the generated password with docker-compose logs. The user is test.

This command creates 2 read-only containers for security, one with the Python app and another using Nginx as reverse-proxy:

docker-compose up -d

Now browse to https://localhost:8443

To stop the web server:

docker-compose down

To rebuild the images:

docker-compose build --pull

Filter options (AWS)

Usage: --filter-aws NAME VALUE

May be specified multiple times.

Complete list of filters:


Example: --filter-aws tag-key production

Note: If instance-state-name is present in the filter name, the --status option is ignored.

Filter options (Azure)

Usage: --filter-azure FILTER

Note: This filtering is done in the client SDK using JMESPath to filter the JSON response. You can view the JSON output using --output JSON or following the instance link in the HTML table.

Complete list of filters:


Example: --filter-azure "location == 'westeurope' && !(name == 'admin')"

Note: If instance_view.statuses is present in the filter, the --status option is ignored.

Filter options (GCP)

Usage: --filter-gcp FILTER

Note: You may filter the resources listed in the API response.

Complete list of resources:


Example: --filter-gcp 'name: instance-1 AND canIpForward: false'

Note: If status is present in the filter, the --status option is ignored.

Filter options (Openstack)

Usage: --filter-openstack NAME VALUE

May be specified multiple times.

Complete list of filters:


Example: --filter-openstack name admin

Note: If status is present in the filter, the --status option is ignored.


  • Search by tag (this can be done with the filter-* options)
  • Sort by instance type (very tricky to get right ATM for all providers).
  • Use apache-libcloud? (slow for some providers)

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