
Docker container for Blynk server

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker container for Blynk server (v0.41.17)

Blynk server is an open source server to be used as back end for IoT projects. It works with Android and iOS apps that provide simple still powerful interface to your internet connected devices like ESP8266, ESP32, Raspbery Pi and Arduino.

Goal of this project is to provide a simple way to install Blynk server to own server/hardware

  • docker-compose.yml - Docker compose config with all necessary volumes mounted and automatic updates provided by watchtower
  • server.properties contains all possible config options, but will require you to provide only 4 values to run secure server on your hardware

Docker image is available on Docker Hub: hortio/blynk. Please note, that only x86 systems is only supported at this moment.


Server should have docker and docker-compose (recommended) installed. It's better to follow official instructions to install them:

Recommended flow: running using docker compose

  • SSH to your server and make sure that docker and docker-compose installed
  • Clone this repo onto your server git clone https://github.com/hortio/docker-blynk.git
  • Go to directory: cd docker-blynk
  • Go through configuration in server.properties. In the simplest case you should only change server.host, contact.email, admin.email and admin.pass
  • Run docker-compose up -d
  • That's it, server will be updated to the latest version automatically.

If you don't want to use automatically generated Let's encrypt certificates or you a reverse proxy (like nginx or traefik) on port 80, remove - "80:8080" from ports section of docker-compose.yml and setup your reverse proxy to forward port 80 of your hostname to port 8080

Running without docker-compose

  • Clone this repo onto your server git clone https://github.com/hortio/docker-blynk.git
  • Go to directory: cd docker-blynk
  • Go through configuration in server.properties. In the simplest case you should only change server.host, contact.email, admin.email and admin.pass
  • Run blynk itself:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 80:8080 -p 9443:9443 -v `pwd`/server.properties:/blynk/server.properties -v `pwd`/mail.properties:/blynk/mail.properties -v `pwd`/data:/data -v `pwd`/logs:/blynk/logs  hortio/blynk:latest -dataFolder /data -serverConfig /blynk/server.properties
  • That's it. Server's data will be persisted in data directory, logs will be accessible in logs

If you don't want to use automatically generated Let's encrypt certificates or you use some reverse proxy like nginx or traefik on port 80, just remove -p 80:8080 from docker run command.

Questions, bugs and contributions

Feel free to open issue or make a pull request