
Open CL Miner for BeamHash (Equihash 150,5)

Primary LanguageC++

Beam Equihash 150/5 OpenCL Miner

Copyright 2018 The Beam Team
Copyright 2018 Wilke Trei 


One Liner Examples

Linux: ./beamMiner --server <hostName>:<portNumer> --key <apiKey> --devices <deviceList>
Windows: ./beamMiner --server <hostName>:<portNumer> --key <apiKey> --devices <deviceList>



Passes the address and port of the node the miner will mine on to the miner. The server address can be an IP or any other valid server address.- For example when the node is running on the same computer and listens on port 17000 then use --server localhost:17000


Pass a valid API key from "stratum.api.keys" to the miner. Required to authenticate the miner at the node

--devices (Optional)

Selects the devices to mine on. If not specified the miner will run on all devices found on the system. For example to mine on GPUs 0,1 and 3 but not number 2 use --devices 0,1,3 To list all devices that are present in the system and get their order start the miner with --devices -2 . Then all devices will be listed, but none selected for mining. The miner closes when no devices were selected for mining or all selected miner fail in the compatibility check.

Build status

Build Status